
Friday 29 August 2014

Cover Reveal - Covertly Strong by N.A. Alcorn

Covertly Strong Banner

Title: Covertly Strong
Author: N.A. Alcorn
Series: Strong #1
Release Date: September 29, 2014

She can track down the world's most dangerous drug lords, hack into any computer, and kill a man in fifteen different ways—but when she comes face-to-face with the only man who’s ever held her heart, it might be her most dangerous mission yet... Or is it? 

Sloan Walker. Dr. Felicia Santora. Agent L-55. 

Three very different personas, three very different names, but all have one thing in common. They’re all controlled, acted out, and lived by one woman. 

Her past has been long forgotten. Ten years have gone by since someone remembered the girl she used to be. The young girl with the big-brown eyes and beautiful dreams of happiness, dreams of love. She now lives a clandestine life. A life filled with top-secret missions and covert assignments. Only a handful of people know the true nature of her job. Her safety is constantly being pushed towards the brink of life-threatening danger. 

Then one day someone unexpectedly steps back into her life… 

A man who once owned her mind, body, and soul. 

A man who held her heart in the palm of his hand. 

He remembers. He knows. 

And this knowledge could threaten everything she’s worked so hard for. Nixon West is as intelligent as they come and his Navy SEAL training has made him one of the most dangerous weapons in the United States Military. The moment she reappeared into his life he promised himself that he wouldn't let her go. 

But the true question is…what extreme lengths will Nix go to for her? 

She will soon face another mission. And it will test everything. 

Time never seems all that important until your life hangs in the balance. 

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock…



I march to the beat of my drum. Can you hear that? That perpetual bang, bang, bang that’s continually drumming relentlessly inside of my head. Oh, that’s just me? Never mind then, carry on…

Beautiful words, lovely plot lines, and COFFEE...Three of my favorite things. 

I savor the weird, embrace the pervy, and willingly open both arms to anything that will make me laugh.

My obsession is books. I like to read them, write them, and inhale them in any way my ravenous mind will allow.

I’m awkward and sarcastic and can’t take a proper selfie if my life depended on it.

I was once told by my high school English teacher that my colorful ability to state the obvious would be my biggest weakness. I thanked him and made it my life’s mission to make that my biggest strength.

At times, I’m bordering on obscene and have strongly considered tattooing the words Approach With Caution on some part of my body.

Procrastinator at heart who tries to tell herself that she’ll meet every deadline.

Tomorrow. I’ll finish it tomorrow, I swear.

99c Sale Blitz - Sweet Series by Angel Steel

August 29 to August 31

Title: Sweet Temptation
Series: Sweet #1
Author: Angel Steel
Release Date: March 12, 2013


Skylar Montague has learned that nothing good comes from trusting others.... especially men. After escaping an abusive relationship she attempts to start a new life in a new city.

Living close to her childhood friend Chantal, she's finally starting to feel at home. Men are the last thing on her mind, that is until she meets her smoldering bad boy neighbor Nathaniel Jackson. Her hesitation is huge, but the attraction is even greater. Nathaniel doesn't do relationships, just can't see himself as being a one woman man.

His instant attraction to Skylar makes him think that he could change. Their connection is explosive. Nothing has ever felt this good. Being together with Nate, Skylar feels like she can finally trust a man. That is until they are presented with an unexpected surprise. Exes reemerge and with them a falling out neither saw coming. 

With all their past troubles and demons ready to emerge, can they escape the undeniable pull they have to each other, or will the dark past they both possess prove to be too difficult and keep them apart?

Links to Buy

Title: Sweet Surrender
Series: Sweet #2
Author: Angel Steel
Release Date: September 26, 2013


For five long years, Chantal has been in love with Dom. They have always had a great friendship and flirted with each other like nobody’s business, which just seemed to be their thing. Chantal’s feelings for Dom were obvious to everyone but him.

After being rejected for the last time by Dom, Chantal is fed up and ready to move on…or so she thinks. She finds solace in a familiar face and starts anew. Things start to heat up, and along with new beginnings come new surprises…and secrets. An old flame resurfaces and things go awry. The crazier life gets, the harder it is to keep her secrets from the people she loves, including Dom. Can she keep these secrets hidden forever? 

Dom has been hiding his feelings for Chantal for five years. He just can’t see a way to make it work. There are things about him that she can never know. One could test her limits and the other would certainly test their relationship. Either way, Dom is afraid he will lose her if she were to ever find out. 

Will the love that Chantal and Dom has for each other, be strong enough for them to cope with all of the lies and deceit? Or will it end them for good?

Links to Buy

Author Bio

Born and bred in Australia. She has lived here all her life with her wonderful husband and 4 children. Angel loves reading any kind of books and loves to write. In her spare time, Angel and her husband watch porn and GIF’s on Tumblr for ‘research’. If you read a hot scene in one of her books, you can be sure it’s been tried and tested!

If you want to spot Mr Steel at an event, he wears a t-shirt which reads “My wife writes porn”. There’s really nothing better than a supportive husband. 

ANGEL’S BOOKS: Sweet Temptation (Sweet, #1) Sweet Surrender (Sweet, #2) and NEW RELEASE Harpers Little Spitfire (Harper’s Series)

GENRE: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Erotica.

Author Links


Pre-order Blitz - Wildcard: Volume One by Missy Johnson

Title: Wildcard: Volume One
Series: Wildcard #1 
Author: Missy Johnson
Release Date: September 4, 2014



That's the number of women I've shagged in the last twelve months.

I'm Ryder Stevens.

Don't pretend you don't know me. I'm a god.

I'm hot, I'm British and I take what I want. I'm also the number one ranked tennis player in the world. But it's my off court antics that gain the most attention. I cruise through life, running from one scandal to the next. Hell I can't even take a piss without the world knowing about it.

Rules? Who gives a shit?

Rules are there to be broken and I'm the king of breaking them.

But even the king can be bought to his knees. I'm sidelined with an injury that changes everything. 

Maybe my life isn't so perfect after all...


ONLY 99c


“Ryder, you’re becoming more well-known for your behaviour off court than your actual career. Do you have anything to comment on that?”

I raise my eyebrows at the reporter. Flashes from cameras are going off everywhere, as you’d expect in a post-match press conference—especially for a game I’d been very lucky to win.

“Not sure what you mean there, Stan,” I say, reading his nametag. It’s been less than two minutes, and I’m already sick of where this is going. “I came here to play tennis—that’s it. It’s a damn shame that reporters like yourself having nothing better to do than focus on what I do in my private time.”

“But is it private time when you’re out until three a.m. the night before a big match?” he persists.

I shrug, and wipe my mouth in an attempt to hide my smirk. “Players prepare for matches in different ways. I’m sure for some a good night’s sleep does the trick, but for me, I’ll take an evening of rough and sweaty sex over a quiet night any day of the week.” I ignore the glare of my manager, Matt, and nod at the next reporter.

“Ryder, do you think your pre-match actions showed disrespect for your opponent today?”

“How?” I fire back. “I treated the build-up to this match just the same as I would if I were playing Nadal or Federer. You all seem to want to focus on my life outside of the court. Does anyone here have any questions about my actual tennis?”

I cross my arms over my chest as Matt bows his head and sighs. A murmur rises through the crowd before someone puts their hand up. I nod, my eyes locking onto hers. She’s a pretty little thing with long, dark hair and stunning blue eyes. I can tell she’s feisty, and I find myself wondering if that attitude carries over into the bedroom.

“You play the number two ranked player in the world tomorrow, and your fellow countryman, Jason Dillard. Will you be having an early night tonight?” she asks. Her full, red lips curve into a grin, and I can feel myself harden.

I shift in my seat and lean forward, resting my elbows on the table in front of me. “Well, that depends.” I smirk.

“On what?”

“On whether or not you’ll give me your phone number.”

I loved this story!! Wildcard was a quick, fun read and an amazing mix of sexiness, emotion and seeing someone become a better person. Wildcard introduces us to British playboy/professional tennis player, Ryder Stevens. Unlike other athletes, Ryder prepares for important games by partying and having sex. And he has women throwing themselves at him left and right. “I’m not interested in dating you, Ryder.” She wraps her arms around my neck. Leaning in, she whispers in my ear, “I’m only interested in riding you.” After an especially crazy night of fun, Ryder falls getting out of the hot tub and breaks his ass. No more tennis, no more sex, and a whole new Ryder. While wallowing in self-pity, Ryder decides to go through his fan mail. One particular letter grabs his attention and it leads Ryder to two people, Scarlett and Jake, who can help him change his outlook on life. “Holy shit. Doing things for other people does feel good.” As Ryder gets to know Scarlett and Jake, he starts to strive to be a better man. He starts to truly feel. Finally deciding to do something good with his time and money, he flies to the states to visit Scarlett and Jake. Only…holy cliffhanger!!! I can’t wait for the second volume!! (4.5 stars)  ~Review by Tiffany

Serials, love them or hate them they seem to be the new "IN" thing. Wildcard is the first installment in Missy Johnson's three part serial about tennis star, Ryder Stevens. Those that are cliffhanger leery about books, don't fret. Each volume releases every two weeks because trust me, after reading this first one, you're going to want more! Bad boy, check. Manwhore, check. Jock, checkity check. Ryder has the serious makings of a great new book boyfriend. And his love interest, Scarlett? Well, she's completely and utterly intrigued me. Wildcard is a quick, easy and spicy little read. The set up for this serial was so good, Missy's already got me thirsting for the next one. I'll be counting down the days because, HOLY CLIFFHANGER BATMAN! 4 1/2 stars ~Review by Erin


Missy lives in a small town in Central Victoria with her husband, and her confused pets (a dog who think she's a cat, a cat who thinks he's a get the picture).

When she's not writing, she can usually be found looking for something to read.



Thursday 28 August 2014

Blog Tour - Sweet Fall by Tillie Cole

Title: Sweet Fall
Series: Sweet Home #3
Author: Tillie Cole
Release Date: August 26, 2014

From the USA Today Best Selling Sweet Home Series, comes Sweet Fall; a tale of heartache, beating the odds and finding strength in the most unlikeliest of places.
We all have secrets.

Secrets well buried.

Until we find the one soul who makes the burden of such secrets just that little bit easier to bear.

Lexington "Lexi" Hart is a senior at the University of Alabama. Surrounded by her best friends, her loving family and having fulfilled her life-long dream of making the Crimson Tide cheer squad, everything is going exactly as she always dreamed it would. But beneath her happy exterior, demons lurk, threatening to jeopardize everything Lexi has worked to achieve. 

When events in her life become too much to cope with, Lexi finds herself spiraling down into the realm of her biggest fear. Lexi falls hard, victim once again to the only thing that can destroy her and, on the way, finds herself falling straight into the dangerous tattooed arms of a guy from the wrong side of the tracks.

Austin Carillo, starting Wide Receiver for the Alabama Crimson Tide, must get picked in this year's NFL draft. He needs it. His brothers need it. Most importantly, his mother desperately needs it. Brought up in a world where the poor are forgotten, the sick are left to fend for themselves and no hero miraculously appears to pull you out of hell, Austin had no other choice but to make a living on the wrong side of the law—until football offered Austin the break to get his life back on track. 

But when a family tragedy drags him back into the clutches of the gang he believed he had left far behind, Austin finds himself falling. Falling back into criminal ways and falling deep into a suffocating darkness. Until a troubled yet kindred spirit stumbles across his path, where Austin quickly finds he is falling for a young woman—a young woman who might just have the power to save him from his worst enemy: himself.

Can two troubled souls find a lasting peace together? Or will they finally succumb to the demons threatening to destroy them?


#1 Sweet Home

#2 Sweet Rome

Every once in a while a book comes out of the woodwork and completely blows me away. This, Sweet Fall, is that book. I fell in love with these Alabama football players in the first two books in the series. But with this one, I wasn't prepared for the emotional bitchslap it gave me. This book just makes you feel. I had goosebumps, chest pains and my heart broke numerous times while reading this one.

The star wide receiver and the goth cheerleader, Austin and Lexi are two damaged souls. At the same time they're two halves of the same whole. Broken, bruised, hurt. They just fit even though they shouldn't. Austin is the product of a single Italian mother and grew up in a trailer park. He's not proud of his past or what he's had to do to help his sick mom. Lexi is from a completely different world, privileged & rich, but even she can't outrun her demons. 

FEELINGS! My God! This book just gave me the feels. It's so poignant and beautifully executed. 
The fact that Tillie Cole relates to her character on such a personal level is what really drives this book home. When you pick this one up please be sure to read the foreword that she's included in the beginning of this book. I highly commend her for writing such a deeply personal subject, I don't think this book would have had the same effect had she not struggled with this herself.
This is an absolutely gorgeous read, and yes, it's a bit of an ugly cry one. 

Sweet Fall is the third book in this series but can standalone. I do recommend reading the others first though since Lexi and Austin's relationship parallels the same time frame as Rome and Molly's.
~ Review by Erin
This is by far one of the best books of 2014 hands down!! Tillie Cole what an AMAZING story you have provided us with. It is so real that I felt I was there experiencing it with Austin & Lexi. I will try not to give too much because I want you to enjoy this Emotionally Heartwarming Beautiful Story that will stay with you for a long time to come. 

Oh my dear Austin, he was handed a tough life yet he tried to make the best of it at such a young age. He was never alone because not only did he have his mother's love and support but also that of his best friend Rome. Austin is really trying to change the course of his life by bettering it for himself and his family, even though it will not be an easy road to go down because of family pressure, as well as those that want to see him fail because of his past. Being Italian meant that family came first and everyone else later. There are a couple of times that we see him make choices, that show you how important family is to him and that he would do whatever it takes to take care of them. I loved seeing the changes Austin made progressively throughout the story, changes that show you that he really is thinking about the future with Lexi. Along with that we see how he starts making the right decisions that will not only benefit him but Lexi as well.  

Lexi has not had an easy life as she is battling with something that can take her life but is determined to be that "Perfect Person" no matter what it takes!! She does not like to be the center of attention because she is afraid that someone will see through her and stop her from achieving perfection. Even though at first, her run in with Austin was anything but romantic, we get to see how her sweet, kind, loving personality wins him over and we see their beautiful friendship flourish. She didn't mean to fall for Austin but when the heart wants what it wants, it's hard to steer it the other way. 
I loved how Austin & Lexi's friendship turns into something more and I will say, it becomes so powerfully strong that no magnetic field could separate it. There is plenty of action, drama, love, passion, loyalty and redemption that has you rooting for Austin & Lexi. I hated when it ended because I'm greedy and I just wanted to continue to read more about Austin & Lexi's future. 

Reading Lexi's side of the story helped me see that words can either help or hurt and they stay with us a long time, so we have to choose our words carefully . I cannot recommend this book enough!! When you get started make sure nothing gets in your way as you will not want to put this book down. You will have to know what happens next. This story will stay with you for a long time to come and I know without a doubt that I will be re-reading it many times to come. Bravo Tillie Cole for such a Real Story that many of us have lived or know of someone that has lived it and survived. Cannot wait for what else you have in store for us.

~ Review by Kara

I'm not usually the type of person that likes to read an ugly cry book, but I loved this series so much there was no way I was going to skip it. 

We don't get to hear too much about Austin and Lexi in the first 2 books so I didn't really know what to expect. Tillie, you totally threw me for a loop. You fall in love with these two as well as Levi and Austin's mother very early. That right there told me I was in for an ugly cry. 
The story line is very real. It's one of those books that you read slowly, put down to take breaks to absorb but can't stay gone for long. You will laugh and you will cry.... a lot. Your heart breaks for each one of these characters, for everything they have to endure.
I won't give away any spoilers, except one. I am the type of reader that HAS to have a HEA. It would absolutely crush me to invest time and emotion into characters and not have them get their happily ever after. When, or if, I read one like that I might be done as a reader. Let me put your mind at ease, there is a HEA. It was a long  and tough road to get there, so if you are reading it and feel like you can't go on (speaking from personal experience), keep going..... just keep going.
I also want to thank Tillie Cole for putting this book and her personal experiences out there for all of us. She is an amazing author and this could not have been easy for her.... I can't think of any way to put it other than just saying thank you. You are an inspiration and I feel that putting yourself out there like this will help others in the same situation.
I give this book 5 emotionally gut wrenching yet Sweet and amazing stars. Congrats on an amazing series and I will be first in line for the next one.
~ Review by Stacey

It took me less than two minutes to see movement from behind the Denny Chimes, the large tower in the quad, protected by the shade of trees. A tweaking-looking kid scurried past me, stuffing a small white packet into his cargo shorts. I kept my head down so he wouldn’t recognize me, but I saw what he’d just bought.
Fuckin’ cocaine.
Coke on campus… Fuck! Coach had been right.
“Austin, there you are, man. I was thinking you weren’t gonna show.”
I flew forward, ready to tear my eldest brother a new asshole, when I caught someone walking out from the shadows.
My heart skipped a motherfucking beat.
No… no… no… no, no, no, no, no, no!
“Hey, Austin!” Levi said, waving, and my stomach rolled to the point I felt sick. My baby brother came strutting forward, jeans and T-shirt too big for his teenage body and all the pockets weighed down with perfectly measured packets of snow. He was fairer than me and Axel, who, quite frankly, could pass for my twin. Levi was our baby brother… the damned innocent one. The one who still had a chance stay clear of the wrong side of the law.
I knew he was working with the crew, of course. We all did as kids, but it was doing things like being a lookout back at the trailer park or counting out cash and collecting packages, but no fucker had mentioned he’d started dealing.
I flicked my chin in greeting and, pulling him to my chest, met Axel’s eyes over his shoulder. Axel’s face dropped and he turned away. He knew I was pissed, but, knowing Axel, he didn’t give a shit.
“Done good tonight, bro. Nearly got enough for Mamma’s next treatment,” Levi said, pride lacing his voice as he pulled back to look at me.
Closing my eyes, I took a long, deep breath.
“Austin?” Levi questioned, and I felt his eyes focused on me. “You good?”
Opening my eyes, I pulled him close by gripping his two-sizes-too-big shirt. “When did you start dealing with the crew?” I hissed out, and Levi took a huge fuckin’ gulp, the blood draining from his face.
Levi’s gray eyes darted back to Axel, who was walking toward another group of guys heading in our direction. Great. More frat boys looking for a fix, a fix from my fuckin’ doppelganger… at my school!
Yanking Levi back, I placed us behind the protection of a tree, way outta sight. I couldn’t be seen dealing or even be associated with dealers, or my scholarship would be revoked on the spot. The dean was already suspicious. Hell, he never even wanted me in his school. It was Coach’s persistence and Rome Prince’s demands that had him caving in. He’d never wanted the boy with the rap sheet from the trailer park on the wrong side of the tracks.
This shit would play right into his hands.
Checking that we were hidden, I shook Levi, who was busy staring at the ground, by the collar. “Levi! When the hell did you get recruited to deal coke?” I hissed.
“‘Bout a month ago,” he admitted reluctantly.
“A month,” I stated in disbelief.
A goddamn fuckin’ month.
He nodded, and I gripped his head in my hands. “Fuck, Levi. Why? I told you never to go down that road. Do easy shit for the crew, that’s fine. But not this! You’re a born wide receiver like me, but you gotta get your grades, focus on school to get in here at UA. The crew, Lev, the motherfuckin’ crew! Gio won’t ever let you leave. Ain’t no way we’re both getting out!”
Levi pulled back and rested his back against the tree, arms folded over his chest in defiance, a scowl firmly on his face. “Mamma’s getting worse, Aust. Medicare ain’t cutting it no more. We wanna keep her pain free, we need to pay for it. She needs a frame all the time now too. She hasn’t left the trailer in weeks. Can’t walk without shaking and falling to a heap on the floor.”
Levi’s eyes filled with tears, and my throat clogged up tight at the sight. The kid was fourteen. four-fuckin’-teen. He shouldn’t be concerning himself with paying for medical bills, selling drugs, or taking care of Mamma.
“And why the fuck has this been hidden from me?” I asked through gritted teeth, my jaw aching from the pressure.
Levi dropped his head. “Mamma never wanted you to know. Said you had enough to worry about. And I knew you wouldn’t approve of me being in with the Heighters.”
And hell if that didn’t make me feel like shit.

Tillie Cole is a Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother -- a farmer's daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses.