
Friday 30 November 2018

Cover Reveal - Untrainable by Jamie Schlosser

Title: Untrainable
Author: Jamie Schlosser
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Cover Design: Tanya Baikie, 
More Than Words Graphic Design
Photo: Sara Eirew
Models: Gus Caleb Smyrnios & Karine Lefebvre
Release Date: December 13, 2018


It doesn’t take much to become the laughing stock of reality television. Just ask Theodore “Theo-Dog” Legend. Once you’ve pissed on a fire hydrant in front of the paparazzi, no one ever lets you forget it.

Hadley Holiday is on her way to being America’s sweetheart, thanks to her dog training routine on a national talent show. Although she didn’t win first prize, she snagged Theo’s attention and he’ll do just about anything to make her his—even if it means being the butt of everyone’s joke once again.

Hadley wants a career in showbiz. Theo needs to get rid of that doggone nickname—pun intended. Pairing the two together on a new show sounds like a disaster waiting to happen... or it could be the best thing that’s ever happened to them.

Author Bio

Jamie Schlosser grew up on a farm in Illinois surrounded by cornfields. Although she no longer lives in the country, her dream is to return to rural living someday. As a stay-at-home mom, she spends most of her days running back and forth between her two wonderful kids and her laptop. She loves her family, iced coffee, and happily-ever-afters.

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Cover Reveal - Sofa King Wrong by Madison Faye

Title: Sofa King Wrong
Author: Madison Faye
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Coverlüv Design
Release Date: December 3, 2018


Hard. Huge. Completely untamed.
He’s got the perfect tool to get the job done.
This off-limits brat is his duty to protect.
But forbidden fruit just tastes a whole lot sweeter

Life on the street taught me to fight to survive. Prison taught me to endure. I spent years locked up like an animal for protecting the ones I loved. Six damn years without the soft feel of a woman under my rough hands.

Now I work for my buddy’s moving company, Sofa King Movers. A job up in the Hollywood Hills seem like a piece of cake, until it turns out I’m not there to move boxes. I’m there for her,

Alyssa Campo. Hollywood starlet, movie sensation, tabloid drama queen. A barely legal wild-child with a reputation for being a class-A brat. And they want me to be her fucking bodyguard.

She’s off-limits in every possible way – too tempting, too famous, too way-too-fucking-young for me. But when the sassy-mouthed little tease under my watch decides to flaunt my rules, she’s going to learn how firm I can be with bad girls like her.

I know I should keep my distance, but once I’ve had a taste of those forbidden lips and those tempting curves, there’ll be no keeping me from her.

Alyssa’s mine to protect. And mine to claim.

She’s the forbidden fruit. But years behind bars has me hungry.

…And I’m gonna feast until the juice runs down my chin.

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Author Bio

#1 bestselling contemporary romance author Madison Faye is the dirty alter ego of the very wholesome, very normal suburban housewife behind the stories. While she might be a wife, mom, and PTA organizer on the outside, there’s nothing but hot, steamy, and raunchy fantasies brewing right beneath the surface!

Tired of keeping them hidden inside or only having them come out in the bedroom, they’re all here in the form of some wickedly hot stories. Single-minded alpha hero, sinfully taboo relationships, and wildly over-the-top scenarios. If you love it extra dirty, extra hot, and extra naughty, this is the place for you! (Just don’t tell the other PTA members you saw her here…)

Join the mailing list for author updates, special prices, and TWO free starter-library books!

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Thursday 29 November 2018

Cover Reveal - Christmas in Kentbury by Claudia Burgoa

Title: Christmas in Kentbury
Author: Claudia Burgoa
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Andie B.
Release Date: December 12, 2018


If practice makes perfect, I should excel at pretending that Heath Miller doesn’t affect me. That I’m immune to that wide jaw, taut body, and the unique woodsy-aftershave-engine-oil scent that makes my ovaries explode.

Since before I could walk, he’s been my champion. My best friend. The one problem I can’t solve. Why? If I tell him I love him, I’ll lose him and his adorable daughter. Maybe the best Christmas gift I can give him—and myself—is to turn in the keys to my B&B and put some distance between us.

I’ve made my share of mistakes. Lost my MIT scholarship, came home to fix cars and romance Kentbury’s female tourists—until I wound up a single father. For all eight years of Cassie’s life, Knightly’s been my anchor.

I’ve changed. Cassie’s the best part of me, and Knightly’s been there every step of the way. But as Christmas lays its mantle of magic over Kentbury, she drops a bomb—she’s following a dream to New York City. I’ve got one week to do everything, say everything I’ve never dared. To convince my best friend to be mine—ours—for all the holidays to come.

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I hate surprises almost as much as I hate Sunday brunch at my parents. My family and I don’t get along. It’s a cliché, but we’re like water and oil. I became everything they hate and I hate everything they represent. My parents are judgmental. During my late teens and up until a few months ago, I fucked around—a lot—in every sense.
Needless to say, I lost my scholarship to MIT during my sophomore year. The dean called me irresponsible. My parents wrote me off as a failure until I came back to Kentbury to take over my uncle’s car repair shop after he died. I try to keep myself out of trouble and off the town’s radar. I steer away from the women in town. But I do have fun with the tourists who stay at the lodge. It’s simple. They’re here for a week or a weekend. Then they’re gone for good.
“But I ran out of luck,” I sigh and look down.
In the bouncy chair lies Cassie, my one-month-old baby. The fuss of black hair is covered by a pink hat. Her arms aloft as if dreaming of cuddling her mother. I slide my pinky into her open hand and watch as her fingers curl around it. I feel her soft breath on the back of my hand. Already the tension is melting away as I watch my sweet little girl sleep in peace. She’s so innocent, she doesn’t know that our lives have been forever changed again.
“Maybe I just got lucky,” I whisper close to her ear. “You and I are going to make it work. I’ll make your proud little one.”
There’s a slight knock on the door. I kiss her tiny hand before I open it for Knightly.
“That must be, Knightly, coming to save the day,” I whisper to Cassie and kiss her tiny hand.
There’s so much I could tell her about my best friend, but not enough time. I only tell Cassie what’s important, “She’s going to become your favorite person. We call her Lee for short.”
When I swing the door open, I finally relax. Lee’s here.
Her big brown eyes narrow locking her gaze at me. “I need a big explanation,” she says handing me the shopping bags she carries with her.
“Hello, Lee,” I greet her and stare at all the bags she brought as she unzips her blue parka.
“I got everything that you asked for,” she says. Bishop is bringing the big items. What do you need that for?”
Her voice is neutral, but I know her well. She’s easy to read. The expression on her face matches her mood. I know when she’s excited about something. I can tell when she’s tired or cranky. Or, like right now, when she’s upset that I’m keeping her in the dark. As she takes off all her winter gear and sets her snow boots on the plastic tray, I close the door avoiding the sight of her body.
I like to think of Lee Harris as my best friend. One of the boys. She’s the kid who I hung out with since she could walk. I endless practice not noticing her sweet curves or the way her long, dark, curly hair cascades over her shoulders once she takes off her hat. I’m a shitty person and can’t do relationships. I’d never do anything to jeopardize my relationship with Lee. Ever.
I tilt my head toward the living room. “Follow me.”
“Oh my God, did Santa bring me a baby?” She claps once and takes out the tube of hand sanitizer that she always carries around.
Without asking, she snaps the belt of the bouncy chair open and takes her into her arms.
“Hey, beautiful, welcome to Kentbury. You’re going to love this place.”
Cassie snuggles closer to Lee who looks beautiful holding my baby. I swallow hard and remind myself that she’s a friend who deserves a lot more than a guy who sucks at life.
“You’re not going to ask anything?”
“The mom came to the lodge earlier, asking for you.” She sweeps my body with her gaze. “Tall, dark hair, light blue eyes and was friends with the Lodge’s owner.”
Lee rolls her eyes and sighs.
“You and Kingston need to stop sleeping around or…” Lee touches her mouth lightly with the tips of her fingers. “Oops, it happened.”
“You could’ve warned me.” I grit my teeth.
“I could’ve.” She shrugs. “Maybe next time.”
I glare at her. She’s not funny but I don’t have the energy to deal with her banter. Though, maybe she doesn’t have much energy either because she’s not as witty as usual.  
“How are you handling the news?” She asks with a serious tone, though her gaze remains on Cassie.
“I’m dealing, I guess,” I close my eyes briefly taking a deep breath. “Can you picture me as a father?”
I gesture to myself, showing her the hot mess that I am. Then, point to the apartment I live in which is above the car shop.
“I’m a fucked-up guy who can’t finish anything. I can’t even get along with my parents. What am I supposed to do with a baby?”
“Love her,” she answers.
“You should give yourself some credit, Heath. She has the best dad in the world, and you two have me and my family.”
I smile at her and say the obvious, “I can always count on you.”
Lee studies Cassie. She smiles at her, but her face looks a little saddened. Her brown eyes are slightly red and watery. Was she crying? I’m sure it’s nothing. Later, when I’m not busy with my baby I’ll ask her what’s wrong. In the meantime, I have to learn how to be a dad.
Maybe I can find a book on how to be a father online. It worked with the car shop, and so far, I’ve managed it well enough.

Author Bio

Claudia is an award-winning, international bestselling author. She lives in Colorado, working for a small IT. She has three children and manages a chaotic household of three confused dogs, and a wonderful husband who shares her love of all things geek. To survive she works continually to find purpose for the voices flitting through her head, plus she consumes high quantities of chocolate to keep the last threads of sanity intact. 

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Release Blitz - Sex, Lust & Lingerie by Nelle L'Amour

Title: Sex, Lust & Lingerie
Series: Secrets and Lies #2
Author: Nelle L’Amour
Genre: Steamy Romantic Suspense
Release Date: November 29, 2018


The steamy, explosive CONCLUSION to Sex, Lies & Lingerie and Book 2 in USA Today Bestselling Author Nelle L’Amour’s Secrets and Lies series.


She's on her knees.

Gloria Long.

Just for me.

I'm the man who rules her. I'm the man who owns her. I’m the man who can make her or break her.

But our time together is threatened by my past. A demon I must destroy.

All shit is about to break loose.

And in the end I may lose her.


Why didn’t I resist him?

Because he was too strong, too determined, too beautiful.

He made me fall apart. And fall for him.

I could have had it all. But I won’t.

My dark, horrific secret is about to cost me everything I’ve worked for. And the man I love.

My world is about to be shattered. And so is my heart.

NOTE:  NO cliffhanger.

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The thought of Jaime moving to Los Angeles both unnerved and thrilled me. “Won’t you be lonely living all the way out here in a big house all by yourself?”
He remained silent for a long time, staring out to the Pacific. Then, without warning, he spun me around so that we were face-to-face, just a breath apart. He lifted his sunglasses on top of his head, and his eyes, the color of the late afternoon sea, gazed deep into mine. My heart hammered as he tipped up my chin.
“I don’t plan on living here alone. I’m tired of living in a hotel where people come and go. I’m looking for someone special to share my life with…and I may have found her.”
My heart pounded. My voice abandoned me. Words were trapped in my throat.
“Gloria, I’ve never had a relationship before. I’ve fucked a lot of women, but none of them has meant a thing to me. They’re just mindless, faceless fucks. You’re different, angel. I can never get your face out of my head. When I’m away from you, all I want is to be with you. And when I’m with you, I can’t get enough of you. I want to breathe the air you breathe and kiss the ground you walk on. I want to go to sleep with you in my arms and wake up to you on my chest. And I want to fuck you every way I know how. Make you fall apart and then put you back together. Over and over. There will never be enough ways to show you how I feel about you. Or words to tell you.”
He paused and inhaled deeply. My blood was ringing in my ears as he exhaled and softly said, “Gloria, you make me fall apart too.”
This was all too much for me. My emotions were in turmoil, and my mind was in meltdown. I gripped his shoulders before my knees gave out. Tears were forming in my eyes… and at last words. “Jaime, are you saying you want a real relationship with me?” You love me?
He nervously played with my braid. “Yeah, angel, that’s what I’m trying to say. I guess it’s not my best pitch. I don’t do relationships well.”
I quirked a little smile. “Neither do I.”
He looked straight into my eyes. “Do you want to give it a try?”
My fingers toyed with his toi et moi ring. “An official you and me?”
My mind was spinning and my heart was thudding. Jesus Christ. Was I ready for a relationship with this beautiful, romantic, sexy god? Could I handle it? The timing couldn’t be worse with the stock crisis and my job at stake. It might work. It might not. And there was still the long distance factor to deal with. Skyping sex did not make for a relationship. Was I just setting myself up to get hurt? He had a fucked a lot of women. And I was just one of them. I mean, he hadn’t said he loved me. And hell, I’d only known him for a little over a week though it felt like a lifetime.
Jaime’s sultry voice brought my mental ramblings to a halt. He tugged on my braid. “Come on, angel. The suspense is fucking killing me.”
If only I could consult Madame Paulette. I pondered—what would she say? Her husky voice sounded in my head. “Ma chérie, no risque no gain…It eez better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” Her last words to me whirled around my head. Come on, who was I fooling? I was madly in love with this man. I wanted him more than he wanted me. I had to take a chance, regardless of the consequences.
“Yes,” I finally breathed. “But there’s got to be rules. Like—”
Cupping my face, he cut me off. “Gloria, there’s only one rule. Don’t ever leave me. The rest are meant to be broken.” On the loud crash of a wave, his lips crashed onto mine. Every part of me melted into him as he wrapped me in his arms and claimed my mouth with his. Oh, the power of a kiss! The power of this man! Nothing else existed. Our tongues twirled and swirled, dancing in unison to the music of the sea. His hard body pressed into mine, arousing every erotic fiber of my being.

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Coming Soon

Releasing December 14, 2018


Author Bio

Nelle L’Amour is a NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling Author who lives in Los Angeles with her Prince Charming-ish husband, twin college-aged princesses, and a bevy of royal pain-in-the-butt pets. A former executive in the entertainment industry with a prestigious Humanitus Award to her credit, she gave up playing with Barbies a long time ago but still enjoys playing with toys with her husband. While she writes in her PJs, she loves to get dressed up and pretend she’s Hollywood royalty. She writes juicy stories with characters that will make you both laugh and cry and stay in your heart forever

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Series Blitz - Zeta Cartel Series by AJ Adams

Enter into the violent world of the Cartel, where death and romance go hand in hand. AJ Adams novels are all self-standing and so you need not read them all - although it would be awesome if you did!

Title: The Bonus
Series: Zeta Cartel #1
Author: AJ Adams
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: November 12, 2013


Chloe is a seasoned drug courier who finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Facing a lingering and painful death at the hands of the Zeta cartel, Mexico’s most brutal organised crime syndicate, she persuades their enforcer to claim her.

Ex marine and dark ops expert Kyle Suarez is chief enforcer for the Zeta cartel. Ruthlessly efficient, he is feared by his enemies. When he claims Chloe, he simply expects to enjoy a well-deserved and disposable bonus.

Has Chloe made a huge mistake, or will her choice prove her salvation - and his?

Warning: This bad boy dark romance contains explicit scenes of dubious consent, graphic violence and sex. It is for adults only.

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Title: Songbird
Series: Zeta Cartel #2
Author: AJ Adams
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: September 22, 2014


“You’re the big boss.” She looked up at me and smiled. She was dressed in a cheap cotton shirt and jeans that should be on the burn pile, but that smile was pure gold. This girl had guts.

“I told José he was a fool to try and cheat you,” she said. “I wasn’t part of it, and I don’t work for you. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

She’d heard about our policy protecting bystanders. Of course it doesn’t apply to anyone whose eyewitness testimony can put me in a courtroom. Well, try to put me in a courtroom. In Mexico nobody would dare accuse me, and I’ve enough resources in England to guarantee a police investigation would come to nothing, but it’s not my style to take chances. Solitaire would be going into the ground along with Escamilla.

“Mr Vazquez,” Solitaire gave me her best smile. “I don’t expect something for nothing.” She dropped her voice. “You’d like me,” she whispered. “I’ve heard about you. We’re the same.”

“Are we?”

“Yes, I can make you very happy.” She brushed my hand over her cheek and then kissed my palm. “I’m a very good girl,” she said quietly. “Unless you prefer a naughty one?”

She sucked my thumb, and I was instantly rock hard.


When cartel boss Arturo Vazquez discovers his girlfriend Gina is a DEA rat and his deputy Escamilla is staging a take-over, Arturo fixes his problems by killing everyone - except for Solitaire, Escamilla’s unwilling mistress. Solitaire is intelligent, tough, and shares Arturo’s interest in BDSM. Arturo falls head over heels but someone is leaking information - and the evidence point at Solitaire.

Songbird is a complete and self standing novel in the Zeta series. Warning: This bad boy dark romance contains explicit scenes of dubious consent, graphic violence and strong language. It is for adults only.

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Title: Dirty Dealings
Series: Zeta Cartel #3
Author: AJ Adams
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: June 27, 2016


I could’ve strangled her. She knew it too because she stepped away quickly. “Touch me and I’ll have you!” she snarled.
“Bruja mala leche! What the fuck do you think you’re playing at! You can’t push me around!”
“Sure I can.” Her eyes were slate grey, the same colour as the sky, and just as cold. “I need help, and you’re going to give it.” 
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I’ve got a situation. I need someone who isn’t afraid of murder and mayhem.”
I should have charmed her, offered to help and maybe it would have settled it, but I was too mad to even consider it. “Help you? Over my dead body!”
She shrugged. “We can do it that way, too.” She took out her phone. “I’ll call you soon, hopefully within the hour. If you still refuse, I call Smith.” The eyes were hard. “I’d rather not shop you, because I hate that bastard, but I will if you make me.”
I gave her my number. I mean, I wanted to kill her, but in London they notice things like bodies in the street. Especially if you’re careless enough to do it in broad daylight next to a cop shop. 

Quique is having a bad time. Back in Mexico his marriage has fallen apart and his wife has made him a laughing stock by cheating on him. Now he’s in London and finding himself out of his depth with a complex commercial deal. To make things worse, Natalia Truelove, a chef and pub manager, is blackmailing him. Quique is ready to commit murder and he’s pretty sure who his first victim will be. 

Dirty Dealings is a self standing and complete novel in the Zeta cartel series. Warning: This bad boy romance contains strong adult language and themes as well as graphic violence and fully depicted love scenes. It is for adults only.

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Title: Dark Hunter
Series: Zeta Cartel #4
Author: AJ Adams
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: October 26, 2017


Rip Marston is a merciless killing machine. After a decade of hunting his prey, Rip joins the Zetas. The job offers protection as he practices his dark arts, but the Cartel are wary of the monster in their midst. 

Finding a badly beaten unconscious girl, Rip sees an opportunity. Posing as her saviour will please the cartel - and provide him with his very own helpless captive.

Isabella Maria Franco is beautiful, wilful and used to making hard choices. Having grown up in the comfortable but lethal embrace of the Gulf cartel, she rejected a life of violence. But when a dark presence from her past returns, her world falls apart. 

Betrayed and beaten, she escapes, only to find herself in a living nightmare. Surrounded by her enemies, one man stands between her and death. Terrified by her sadistic captor, she has little choice but to submit. 

But embracing his darkness leads to consequences neither anticipated.

WARNING: This bad boy dark romance contains dubious consent, graphic violence, sex and probably every trigger you can think of. It is for adults only.

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Author Bio

AJ Adams married her best friend and moved to the tropics where they are living their own Happily Ever After. She believes writing is not so much a passion as an obsession.

She writes twisted stories of love, mayhem, and murder as AJ Adams and sweet romance novels with strong women and very hunky men as Ellen Whyte, her IRL name.

When she's not writing, she's cooking and gossiping with her friends. She is also personal maid to rescue cats Target, Guido and Swooner.

Come and chat with her on FB at

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