
Saturday, 21 September 2013

Blog Tour - Freeing by E K Blair

FREEING: a companion novel to the USA Today bestseller, Fading.

Knowing who you are and accepting who you are come at different prices. 

Jase Kinrick grew up in your typical, all-American household. But after the death of his sister, his parents shut down, forcing him to deal with everything life throws his way alone. Terrified of the person he’s discovering himself to be, Jase has his way with every willing girl to try and rid himself of what he fears he is—gay. 

Escaping California and moving to Seattle to attend the University of Washington, Jase frees himself to the reality that he likes men. Never staying with any guy long enough to get to know them, he doesn’t realize that he’s still hiding from who he is until he meets Mark. Scared of having real feelings for another guy stirs up the questions and fears he’s fought hard to bury. 

To strip away the barriers to the heart of what is real, and to be okay with what lies underneath, will be Jase’s moment of truth. But he’ll need Mark to lead him there.

BOOK GENRES - Coming of Age, New Adult

RELEASE DATE - 13 September, 2013






Note to self: If I ever decide to read in public, make sure it is Shakespeare’s biography or Locke’s treaties, not books where tears are streaming down my face, heart so full of emotion it might actually burst, and random people looking at me like I came from a lunatic asylum.

In many ways, this book was a first for me. It’s my debut in reading m/m romances and can I say, HOLY FLYING COW?! Not only was the book packed with an intensity that is rare to find in today's New Adult genre, but also is infused with a message that is life-changing. Freeing is one emotionally provocative story that takes you on a journey filled with pain, regret, passion, and love. Especially love. Love after loss, love after forgiveness, and love after accepting yourself.

Jase Kinrick is what you see on the outside – good-looking playboy and laidback person – except that he is gay. It was absolutely heartbreaking to read about his fears, his loneliness, and his attempts to counter against his feelings. His parents didn’t understand him, and the one person who did (before Candace) happened to be
(view spoiler) No one there to guide him, support him, or be there for him, and as a result, Jase closed off his emotions. He made walls so high in fear of being judged and humiliated, all while waging an internal war with himself.

“Who wants a fag for a friend? I’ve spent the last few years praying that this is just a phase. Fighting the thoughts that skate around in my head. Pretending to be someone I’m not in an attempt to escape this sick person who lives inside of me.”

Jase continues down a self-destructive path until he meets Mark, a guitarist and Architect major. For the first time in his life, Jase is interested in more than a casual hook-up but still holds back, fearing public scorn.

“Here I believed, for the past three years, that I’ve been an openly gay man, but truth is, I’m still hiding. I didn’t really see it until Mark came along. He made me realize just how scared of these feelings I actually am. I don’t want a relationship with him because I’m afraid that will make it too real for me. Define me. Gay. Fag. Queer. Fuck. Am I ready for that?”

It was empowering to watch him struggle against his insecurities and demons and come out a strong, confident man. It was heartwarming to see the faithful Mark stand by his side and support his decisions. Their story completely consumed me, and though my emotions went through a painful rollercoaster ride, I wouldn’t change a single thing.

Another aspect I truly loved but was equally terrified of was Candace’s role in this book. Reading about her ordeal in Fading for the first time was excruciating, but to read it through Jase’s eyes…the pain and agony he felt, I could feel. She’s his only family, and for her to be hurt this way wrecked part of his heart. No one should have to watch your closest friend morph into a shell of what she once was, least of all Jase.

“She’s never going to do anything about this. She’s just gonna pretend it never happened, and he’s never going to pay for what he did.” I choke back a breath as tears fall down my face and then turn to look at him. “So tell me…what the hell do I do?”

E.K. Blair’s writing is phenomenal, and the tears her words induced were not like others. It wasn’t a cry-out-loud, wailing, or sobbing type; it was the silent, chilling tears that dripped down my face because by that time, I had already lost my voice. My heart was crammed into my throat and there were only so many pages I read afterwards to force me to realize that, yes, this did happen, and yes, Jase is left picking up her broken pieces, which makes this part of the book even more heartbreaking to read from his point of view.

While this book can be read as a standalone, I strongly advise you to read Fading , Candace’s book, first as it allows you to grasp the full meaning of her experiences, as well as shed light on the complexities of her friendship with Jase. I cannot say this enough, but I highly, highly recommend you to read this series if you haven’t already!!!


~ Review by Feifei 

 ARC kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
Please note that all quotes are from an advance copy and are subject to change in the final edition.

Links to buy Fading
(#1 Book in the Fading series)


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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