
Thursday 5 November 2015

Review - Chrome: With a Heart Forged In Steele by Rie Warren

Title: Chrome: With a Heart Forged In Steele
Series: Carolina Bad Boys #4
Author: Rie Warren
Release Date: November 3, 2015

Boomer Steele is big. He’s bad. He’s the Retribution MC pres. He’s been dealt the worst hand imaginable and bears the scars inside and out. Not that anyone knows it. He’s watched his younger brother and sister hook up and hitch up with the loves of their lives, and now he’s the last Steele standing alone. Maybe he should keep it that way.

Then one feisty honey makes him feel, gets in his grill, pisses him off. 

She goes by the name of Rayce. And that’s exactly what she does on her motocross bike when she’s not busy getting her hands dirty with her fellow grease monkeys as the only female mechanic at Stone’s Garage. She’s into fixing bikes, racing hers, and making Boomer’s life a living hell just for the fun of it. Oh, and she hates being treated like a girl.

Sparks flying? That’s an understatement where these two are concerned. Yet when Rayce needs a place to live, and Boomer offers her a room in his house, their unquenchable attraction wins out over antagonism. Sometimes. Rayce’s crappy upbringing makes her think love is for stupid fools asking for heartbreak. She’s not willing to go there for any man. Not even Boomer Steele. 

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Note to readers: this book addresses the issue of domestic abuse.

Oh, Boomer. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways… Hot. Sexy. Strong. Hot. Commanding. Kind. Hot. Good with kids. Good at dancing. Hot. All-around badass. Oh, did I mention hot? Im’ma take a leaf out of Rayce’s book here—HATE. Except, clearly, I don't. This guy may be my new fave bad boy—and I've loved them all pretty fucking hard, so that's saying something. 

With his brother and sister each living their own happily ever after, Boomer Steele’s been wondering if maybe it's his time. But maybe not…he's got scars inside, after all. It only takes is one girl—scratch that, one WOMAN—however, to taunt him, sass him, slay him, and he's thinking of keeping her. 

But Rayce doesn't want to be kept. She's no girly girl, and love can only end in heartbreak—that's what her crappy life has taught her. She doesn't think she's good enough for big, bad Boomer, anyway, no matter how determined he is to prove her wrong. 

When her life converges with his, though—and they're living under the same roof—well, it's only a matter of time before things go BOOM! 

Chrome: With a Heart Forged in Steele covers a fair amount of time—and Rie Warren, that badass, sassafras author, does a good job of bridging it (and the other Carolina Bad Boys books) with this summer’s Bad Boys of Retribution MC series—even if I occasionally felt this one might have fit in better with the latter series. There’s a lot of internal thinking happening here, and less of the playful banter I love SO HARD from the previous CBB books (don't get me wrong, it's definitely there, and it's definitely awesome), and yet, this book was a true delight to read. I just loved being in Boomer’s head, seeing him grapple with his attraction to, desire for, need to protect Racy Rayce. It was delightful, it was fun and holy hell in a handbasket, it was dirty, sexy, kinky HOT. 

Chrome was deeper too. (Ha! And I don't just mean during those aforementioned dirty times…) It touched on a tricky subject, and not everyone reacted the right way all the time, but they reacted in real ways, and that's what matters. Rayce was…human. Strong, but also very vulnerable and it was beautiful to see her open up to Boomer. Her situation was…bad. Wrong, but handled in a respectful way; showing that, despite what you see, unless you're willing to look deeper, you'll never really know what someone is truly feeling, thinking, living. 

It's great to be back with Ms. Warren’s Bad Boys (of all persuasions). It was rewarding, enjoyable and special to get to spend some more time with the boys and girls that we've loved in the past—there's some hella good moments when the crew are all together, just being their badass selves—just as it was awesome to hang out with Boomer. Sexy, hot, kind, good with kids, protective Boomer. Hate. Not
~ Review by Beth

Step aside everyone, I have a new book boyfriend. He’s big, tall, sexy-as-sin, tatted-up biker heaven and even has a furbaby. Boomer Steele, you’ve stolen my heart with your wit, your love of friends and family, and just by being an all-around sexy, swoony, wonderful human being.

Boomer has been taking care of everyone in his life, from his brother and sister after their parent’s untimely deaths, to the members of the Retribution MC. He’s pretty much selfless, until he meets Rayce and decides it’s a damn fine time to be selfish and put himself first, because he wants Rayce in a big way. But she’s not going to make it easy for him. No how. No way. Boomer’s going to have to work at it—work at winning Rayce’s trust and her heart.

Rayce is a gorgeous, grease monkey who moonlights as a motocross racer. She’s a member of Josh Stone’s crew at Stone’s garage and certainly can hang with the boys. Sure, Rayce is one tough cookie on the outside, but her center is warm and gooey, especially where Boomer’s concerned. But with her past inhibiting her future, Rayce needs to find out if Boomer really is the man of her dreams or if the nightmare life she’s been living is her destiny.

Sigh. I loved Boomer and Rayce, both together, when their banter and sparks led to their unbelievably hot, sexy times, and separately. They come across as real; they’re vulnerable, tough, snarky, sexy, funny and introspective. They’re magic together both vertical and horizontal. Because when I say hot sexy times, I mean “melt the sheets, panties are a waste of time, where’s my husband” sexy times. 

I love how Rie bridged the Bad Boys of Retribution MC series with Chrome: With a Heart Forged in Steele and how we got pieces of Josh and LeeLee and their babies, Nick, Brodie, Ashe and Cat. 

Handsome’s book is next. I. Can’t. Wait. 
~ Review by Missy

Rie Warren is the badass, sassafras author of Sugar Daddy and the Don't Tell series-a breakthrough trilogy that crosses traditional publishing boundaries beginning with In His Command. Her latest endeavors include the Carolina Bad Boys and Bad Boys of Retribution MC series

A Yankee transplant who has traveled the world, Rie started out a writer--causing her college professor to blush over her erotic poetry without one ounce of shame. Not much has changed. She swapped pen for paintbrushes and followed her other love during her twenties. From art school to marriage to children and many a wild and wonderful journey in between, Rie has come home to her calling. 

Her work has been called edgy, daring, and some of the sexiest smut around. You can connect with Rie via the social media hangouts listed on her website

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