
Friday 27 November 2015

Review - Steal Me by Lauren Layne

Title: Steal Me
Series: New York’s Finest #2
Author: Lauren Layne
Release Date: November 24, 2015


Being a cop might be in Anthony Moretti's blood, but protecting and serving the city of New York has always been more than just the family business. If that means his love life stays locked up, well then that's just another sacrifice made in the line of duty. That is, until he sets eyes on the gorgeous new waitress at The Darby Diner and suddenly Anthony's morning coffee is leaving him a whole lot more hot and bothered than usual.

Though waitressing at The Darby isn't exactly Maggie Walker's dream job, it pays the bills and gives her time to work on her novel. Now if only she could stop fantasizing about gorgeous Anthony Moretti every time he sits down at her table, she'd really be in great shape. But when he needs her help identifying a criminal threatening The Darby—and Maggie recognizes her ex-husband—she fears her fresh start might be a pipe dream. Faster than a New York minute, Maggie and Anthony find themselves in one perilous pursuit that only gets hotter with each and every rule-breaking kiss.

Anthony Moretti is ambitious—he wants nothing more than to follow in his father’s footsteps and become Police Commissioner. Quite a lofty ambition! But Anthony is on his way with his recent promotion to Captain in the NYPD. In a family of cops, Anthony knows the daily sacrifices he’s making—but the end will justify the means, even if he keeps his love life locked up. Until he meets Maggie Walker. There’s something about her that he can’t stay away from…even if she does spill something on him every Sunday.

Maggie is the newest waitress at The Darby Diner. While not her dream job, it pays the bills and gives her time to write her novel. She enjoys the customers (for the most part), but especially likes the man candy sightings every Sunday when the Moretti family shows up after church. Maggie is drawn to Anthony specifically, but he barely acknowledges her existence other than to get pissed off when she spills something on him accidentally every time she waits on him. But all that is about to change when Maggie takes a glance at a sketch of a robbery suspect and immediately identifies the man as her ex-husband.

Will Anthony risk his heart to protect Maggie or choose his career to solve the case? 

Oh, Anthony... sigh. You're a big, sexy, hulk of a man who just needs to let go of the reins every once in a while. Let Maggie take them for a little while—she gets you... LOL. 

I really liked Maggie and Anthony's story. Neither one of them are perfect—far from. Both are a bit guarded, but when they let go, they let go... and they smolder together. Of course, add in the shenanigans of the rest of the Moretti clan, and you have several poignant but very comedic moments... especially those involving Nonna. 

Next up we get Vincent's book—and I can't wait to meet the woman who puts him in his place! 
~ Review by Missy

A long-time romance reader, Lauren Layne thinks the only thing better than reading about happy endings is writing them. She now pursues a full-time career in Happily Ever After, a job she's naturally suited for after marrying her high school sweetheart. 

A bit of a nomad, Lauren's lived everywhere from Orange County to Manhattan, and currently lives in the Seattle-area. Her hobbies include coffee by day, wine by night, and lots of writing in between. She's also a total website nerd and insists you check out!

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