
Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Review - Ethan's Fall by Dee Palmer

Title: Ethan’s Fall
Author: Dee Palmer
Release Date: November 26, 2015

They say once bitten… 

Ethan Cates is anything but shy. A little time away from his playboy playground has hardened his heart. After returning from his travels, he has every intention of keeping it locked away. This summer his plan is for the three S’s: Sun, Sea and Surf…It’s just not his entire plan. Three more S’s: Sex, Sex, and more Sex. Ethan loves women. He is just never going to love only one woman; this summer he is on a mission to prove it. 

Twice shy… 

Everyone has a story but not everyone wants to tell about it. Ada is hiding and has no choice but to stay that way, because she needs to find the person who means the most to her more than her next breath. If she is found and identified, she knows she will never get that chance. It’s not a life choice; this is self-preservation. She’s lost too much to give up now. 

For the first time since moving to the small coastal town, Ada feels isolated in her opinion of Ethan, the town’s favourite prodigal son. He is arrogant, rude, and a complete arse to her. But, the first time in forever, Ada is distracted by a man who seems to delight in torturing, teasing, and playing a game Ada can’t afford to lose--- one she can’t afford to play at all.

Oh, my goodness! This book just left me speechless and an utter mess when I was finished!!! It's been a while since I've read a book that had me laughing, bawling, smiling, swooning and wanting to sucker punch people all at the same time…but this book here had me doing these exact things. 

Artemis (Ada) D'Aubeney thought her first love was forever. Betrayed by him in the most horrendous way, she’s paying a price that would, without a doubt, leave her scarred for life. As I read her POV, my heart went out to her, and the tears I shed were for her loss and betrayal because, in all honesty, I'm not sure I would have ever been able to survive what she went through. 

I loved Ethan and Ada’s first meeting because it was so unconventional and just freaking hilarious! Ethan knows Ada is different on many levels and he wants to know all her secrets, but getting her to open up is going to be a challenge that will test Ethan's will and nerves! I loved Ada and Ethan's relationship because it was on all levels—yes, I know that probably doesn't make sense but it's the best way I can describe it. One minute they loved each other, the next they hated, mistrusted, and then…trusted. Like I said, it was on all levels. 

There is so much emotion to this book that I really wasn't sure if I was going to survive it. Just trust me when I say that this book will have your emotions on a roller coaster, wanting to jump off. But keep holding on, and you will be happy when you get to the end. Trust me!

I can't wait for what else Dee Palmer comes out with! 
~ Review by Kara

Dee Palmer hates talking about herself in the third person so I won't. My husband had my iPod engraved one Christmas with 'sing like no-one's listening' and I know my family actually wish they weren't listening because I am, in fact, tone deaf but it doesn't stop me and this gentle support has enabled me to fullfil a dream. This has been a truly brilliant experience. It has undoubtedly been made possible by my incredibly supportive family. I know this is very much another acknowledgment bit but I know I wouldn't be writing even this single paragraph if it wasn't for them so this is about who I am, I am because they let me be.

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