
Wednesday 2 December 2015

Series Review - Boys of Fall, Part Two by Erin Nicholas, Mari Carr and Cari Quinn

Series: Boys of Fall
Release Date: October 1, 2015

In Texas, the temperature isn’t all that’s heating up…coming home has never been so hot!

Coach Nicholas Carr was the greatest high school football coach the sleepy little town of Quinn, Texas had ever seen. He led his boys to the state championships year after year. However, only once did the Quinn Titans ever bring home the state title. Quinn locals still insist that high school team was the greatest Texas ever had or ever would see. The exceptional group of athletes went on to do incredible things, bolstered by the qualities their cherished coach had instilled in them.

But when a retired Coach Carr suffers a heart attack and risks losing his beloved family ranch, his boys return home, anxious to give back to the man who’d been like a father to all of them.

Little did they know that returning to Quinn meant they’d fall in love—and into bed with strong, sexy women that are their match in every way. Home is definitely where the heart is, and so is the shower, and the wall, and the kitchen table…

Warning: Keep a glass of cold ice water handy to avoid sudden heatstroke—and a change of panties never hurts either.


Carter Shaw isn’t a man anyone would mistake for a good guy. He’s has always been intense, up for anything and fearless —on the football field, when wearing his badge and in the bedroom. 

But pleasure is never mixed up with love. His unstable upbringing was more than enough to scare him off commitments for good. 

Until he meets Lacey Andrews. 

A true do-gooder, heart and soul, Lacey is the only woman to ever make Carter wish he was a better man. 

It’s probably a good thing his best friend fell in love with her first. 

Even when Garrett is shot and dies in the line of duty, Carter knows he can’t give her everything she wants and needs. Until she shows up on his doorstep in nothing but a trench coat and pink lingerie. Now there may be a few things he can offer... 

Losing her fiancé has only proven how short life is and Lacey doesn’t want to miss another moment of happiness. Carter might have turned down the chance at the long term threesome she and Garrett wanted, but she knows he hasn’t forgotten the deep friendship or the one hot night the three of them shared. Carter is the only one who can make her feel alive again. And while her heart will always hold Garrett’s memory, Lacey is ready to prove Carter will never have to share her…even with the ghost of another.

Oh, the feels. Do you feel them? No? Then you've not yet read this book from Erin Nicholas, another excellent installment in the most excellent Boys of Fall series. 

Carter Shaw didn't grow up with the best example of love. And he definitely does not want to turn into his father. That's why he's steered clear of relationships and commitment. Until Lacey Andrews. 

She was his best friend's girl—save for the one memorable night that she was their girl. A night that could have stretched into forever. Except now Garrett's gone—killed in the line of duty—and Lacey's in front of him in nothing but a trench and some lingerie. 

Only Carter doesn't believe he can be what Lacey needs. It doesn't matter to Lacey though—she's determined to prove him wrong and grab their chance at happiness. And show him that their threesome can work just as well as a twosome. 

There is nothing illegal about Illegal Motion. It's damn near perfect from start to finish. I was enchanted, entranced, infatuated and infuriated by it. I felt all the feels, including some serious regret.

Not for me, mind you. For them. For Carter and Lacey and Garrett. For what might have been—and could still be for two of them, if only Carter would figure his shit out. Whew, it was a rocky road but such a worthwhile one. 

As have all these stories been. While this one felt more...serious than the others, it still held the same charm. It was emotional. It was funny. And there were some of those fun crossover moments with the other books that won't confuse you if you've not read the rest of the series, but that are rewarding if you have. Plus, new characters (Nolan!) and beloved old ones (Coach Carr!). And smokin' hot sex. With all that in one fantastic book, is it any wonder I felt all those feels? 
~ Review by Beth

Carter Shaw is intense, focused. He’s the local sheriff, so that intensity is appreciated and highly regarded. But it transfers over to his relationships—he never drops his guard or allows people into his heart. Except for his former partner, Garrett and Garrett’s fiancée, Lacey Andrews. 

But, afraid of commitment and what a polyamorous relationship could mean, Carter stepped away from Garrett and Lacey a year ago. Then, six months ago, the unthinkable happened—Garrett was killed in the line of duty. Yet, Carter still couldn’t bring himself to comfort Lacey—to admit his feelings. He doesn’t think he is enough for anyone—can’t give Lacey the love, support and family she want and deserves. Or so he thinks…

Lacey is lonely and missing both Garrett and Carter. Garrett is dead, and nothing is going to bring him back, but Carter is very much alive. Lacey knows how short life is and isn’t willing to miss out on any more happiness. In a rash decision to surprise Carter, Lacey’s hoping her presence, love and patience is enough to bring Carter back into her life for good. To prove to him he is enough—that she only needs him.

Oh, Carter. You big hunk of sexy man. You ARE enough. Lacey thinks so and so does Coach Carr. I loved the interaction between these characters—Lacey trying to show Carter what love really entails, and to get him to believe in himself. The flashbacks of their relationship with Garrett are both heartwarming and heartbreaking. You may need some tissues… 
~ Review by Missy


Unlike so many of his teammates, Joel never left small-town Quinn after high school. Coach Carr offered him a full-time job on his ranch, and Joel was more than happy to stay near family. In his downtime, Joel good-naturedly competes with his best bud Oakley for the sexy local bartender's attention, but Sadie repeatedly turns down their frequent requests for dates. She doesn't want to come between the two friends...until a little too much champagne at a wedding reception leads to a sizzling encounter. In that moment, Joel and Oakley know they'll never make Sadie choose -- she can have them both.

A no-strings affair between the trio turns complicated when it becomes clear there's nothing casual about their feelings. Add in a sensual, accidental touch between Joel and Oakley, and those feelings become intense times a thousand. It's an emotional game of chance, one they may ultimately lose...but if they can reach the Red Zone, Joel, Oakley and Sadie have a chance at the biggest score of their lives.

I AM IN THE ZONE, people. The swoony-book-and-panty-melting zone, that is. Because, whoa, this one is a sweet scorcher, and I loved it. All of it. (TMI—so did my husband!)

For years, Sadie has been turning down Joel and Oakley when they’ve each asked her for a date. The best friends are both interested—and interesting—but Sadie doesn’t do long term. And she’s not about to get between two friends…

Or is she? One night of drunken wedding shenanigans changes the landscape of her relationship with both men, and now neither Joel nor Oak are expecting her to choose. They want her, together. 

It’s supposed to be a no-strings attached, temporary relationship, until feelings start to become too intense. Now they have to decide if they’re running for the end-zone or leaving the field all together. 

*Ahem* Read this book. READ IT. If only for a kinky, sexy good time, hit that one-click button and make it yours. But if you do, be warned—you’re not just getting an OMFG-I-need-a-cold-shower-and-some-batteries book when you read Red Zone, you’re also getting a sweet but intense story about love and acceptance. 

This (I wanna say couple out of habit…throuple, maybe?) grouping is amazing together. Their chemistry is, clearly, off the charts, but I loved the way they tried to make sense of what was happening between them, and then accept it. Especially Oakley and Joel. As they tried to sort out their feelings, their boundaries, their future, I was here, on the edge of my seat, waiting to talk some sense into them—all of them. Sadie, get it together. Joel, wise up. Oak, ahhhh, never mind Oak. Keep being my favorite (just don’t tell the others, okay?)

This is the first book I’ve read by Mari Carr, and is unequivocally NOT my last. I loved the way she helped to shape this small town—gah, I NEED the other books in this series which features standalone installments by two other authors—and made even the potentially unlikeable characters redeemable. I loved the way she wrote dirty, kinky, erotic scenes but didn’t skimp on the overall story. I loved the way she made Sadie a strong but flawed woman, and Joel and Oak tough alpha men with soft, golden hearts. Basically, I loved it all. And so did my husband… *wink* 
~ Review by Beth

Whoa, I need to put my house on the market and move to Quinn, Texas, to find a couple of hot and sexy cowboys like Joel and Oakley.

Joel and Oakley are best friends who work and live together on the ranch owned by Coach Carr, the town’s beloved high school football coach. Neither Joel nor Oakley have any desire to leave their small town for greener pastures. They're perfectly happy spending their downtime near their family and friends, vying for the attention of one gorgeous barkeep—Sadie.

Sadie has been eschewing Joel and Oakley’s advances for years. She doesn't want to come between best friends by choosing one or the other. More than that, she doesn't want a relationship. But what if she doesn't have to choose? One wild champagne field night fuels the fire of their desires and starts a no-strings affair between the three of them. But what happens when the casual threatens to become serious—will they allow their feelings to become more or are they playing a losing game?

Holy hotness factor! This book held me captive from start to finish. The friendship between Oakley and Joel—and their final acknowledgement that there's actually something more between them—was awesome to witness developing. Add in their desire for Sadie, and hers for them, and the sexy factor of this book turned from boiling hot to lava in a matter of pages. 

I love a good ménage story and this one was excellent! I'm now going back to read the other inter-related books in this series, as I can't get enough of these characters from Quinn, Texas…my soon to be hometown. 
~ Review by Missy


Two is hot…three is explosive. 

The last wedding former high school linebacker Colt Bennett attended was his own—to the woman his brother is now marrying. But tequila, romance and regrets make a bad combination, and the next thing he knows, he’s half passed out in his ex’s best friend’s truck. 

That Paige Wilcox hates the sight of him is incidental, right? 

At least until Colt calls his best friend and business partner, Drake, to give him a ride home, and somehow the three of them end up in Paige's bedroom. There’s absolutely no reason why he should consider having a threesome… 

Other than he’s been denying wanting both of them for months. 

With Coach Carr on the mend and the rest of his high school football team back home, Colt’s starting to find his true place in his hometown. Except now he’s got even bigger problems than recriminations about the ex he’s long over. He’s falling for her best friend, and maybe even for his own… 

Warning: Boys—and a girl—touch in this book. A lot.

I'd say Going Deep is ‘panties optional’, but let's be honest here… It's more like ‘no panties necessary’. Because, holy freakin’ moly, this book is hot, sexy, dirty, kinky, and yeah, HOT. But it's also something more—it's sweet and fun, it has a few feels going on, and it was simply unputdownable. 

A few drinks into his brother’s wedding—to his own ex-wife, no less—and Colton Bennett finds himself ready to leave. And then, somehow, sprawled out in the bed of his ex-wife’s best friend’s truck…

Paige has never been Colt’s biggest fan, but when he makes a call to Drake, his best friend and business partner, to ensure both he and Paige get home safely, something changes. The three of them end up in bed…all together. 

Years after his high school glory days ended—and his marriage collapsed—and Colt’s not too sure of his place in the world. Or what he's feeling for both Paige and Drake. But one thing is for sure—something is changing between the three of them, and they're going to have to look deep to figure out what it is. 

Whoa. Wow. Oh my god. Gasp. And so on… This one may be the hottest book in this super-hot, super fun, super awesome series. I've loved each of the books I've read, for different reasons (and sometimes, the same ones—like Coach Carr, and the overlapping scenes/timelines), and this one was no different. I was mesmerized by it. Didn't want to stop reading, put it down or have it end. But alas, it did…

IN THE BEST WAY. Dear book gods, thank you for ménage, Cari Quinn, Colt and Drake, and the rest of the Boys of Fall. These two men were…divine. Alpha, dominant, kinky and oh, so loving and tender. Their sweet, uplifting words made me swoon and want (desperately, I might add) to be Paige Wilcox. To have the attentions of two smokin’, naked cowboys focused on me, and only me. Can you imagine? Read this book, and you'll be able to. Because Ms. Quinn gives the BEST visuals. Her writing transports you into the moment—and geez, those moments… *fans self*

But it's not just the (scorching hot) sex. It's also the emotion that courses through this book, as Paige tries to reconcile herself with the fact she's with not one, but two men—including her best friend’s ex—and Colt tries to accept that he's different now than he was before, and that includes what he's feeling for Drake, a man he doesn't necessarily want to want, but can't help himself. It was hard, at times, to read through everyone’s reactions, but in the best way. Because I needed this threesome to work out. Just like I'm going to need more of this series. Please?! 
~ Review by Beth

Oh hell. Just when I thought the Boys of Fall series couldn’t get any better here come Colt, Drake and Paige. Swoon.

Colt just doesn’t know what to do with himself. His ex-wife is just married to his brother—she’s now his sister-in-law. To get through the wedding, Colt gets completely loaded and passes out in his ex’s best friend, Paige’s truck. And Paige’s truck is trapped by other wedding guest’s vehicles. So what to do? Call Drake, Colt’s business partner, to drive their asses’ home. Problem solved, right?

Not so fast. There’s a little problem—Paige can’t stand Colt. Well, at least that’s what she tells herself. But in reality, Paige has the hots for Colt AND Drake. And, Colt has been wanting Paige and Drake just as much. And Drake’s fully on board too… It’s not the first time Colt and Drake have shared a woman, but now they may just find themselves wanting just a little bit more than sharing Paige…

Sweet lord. My kindle is still smoking from the hotness that is this book. There may be some lingering drool marks too. I loved Colt, Paige and Drake together. Colt and Paige get some hard reality lessons too. And Drake’s just along for the ride. One hot, dirty, sexy ride. Sigh. WHEN will the next three books be out? Not soon enough. Don’t make me sell my house and move to Quinn, Texas! 
~ Review by Missy

Erin Nicholas is the author of sexy contemporary romances. Her stories have been described as toe-curling, enchanting, steamy and fun. She loves to write about reluctant heroes, imperfect heroines and happily ever afters. She lives in the Midwest with her husband who only wants to read the sex scenes in her books, her kids who will never read the sex scenes in her books, and family and friends who say they’re shocked by the sex scenes in her books (yeah, right!).

Writing a book was number one on Mari Carr’s bucket list. A New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller, Mari’s computer is now jammed full of stories — novels, novellas, short stories and dead-ends.

Mari writes contemporary erotic romance novels. To learn more about her spicy stories, join her newsletter so you don’t miss new releases and for exclusive subscriber-only content.

USA Today bestselling author Cari Quinn wrote her first story—a bible parable—in 2nd grade, much to the delight of the nuns at her Catholic school. Once she saw the warm reception that first tale garnered, she was hooked. Now she gets to pen sexy romances for a living and routinely counts her lucky stars. When she’s not scribbling furiously, she can usually be found watching men’s college basketball, playing her music way too loud or causing trouble. Sometimes simultaneously.

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