
Monday 4 January 2016

Review - Tied to Trouble by Megan Erickson

Title: Tied to Trouble
Series: Gamers #3
Author: Megan Erickson
Release Date: January 4, 2016

Between love and hate, there's a whole lot of trouble…

Chad Lake only showed up at his sister's party for the free food, but when he spots an uptight nerd at the edge of the crowd, he can't resist trying to ruffle the guy's perfect bow tie and impeccable hair. The hottie's ready for him, though, and in the end, it's Chad who's left wide-eyed, his ears still ringing with the filthy things Bow Tie whispered in his ear. No one gets the upper hand on Chad. Ever.

Owen Hawkins has heard all about the cocky Adonis from Chad's sister—the same sister who holds Owen's career advancement in her hands. He has every intention of steering clear of the other man…until Chad's sexy taunts push him too far. There's something intriguing about Chad, and even though Owen knows that getting tangled up with the infuriating man is trouble, he can't seem to stay away…

**This is part of an M/F series but can be read as standalone**

There's just something about Megan Erickson’s nerds that really get to me. Just like there's something about her M/M books that leave me a little weak in the knees. Add the two together, and you’ve a recipe for a truly amazing, sexy hot book. 

Chad Lake showed up at his sister, Marley’s party for free food—but what he ended up with was a whole lot more… 

Marley’s co-worker, Owen Hawkins is perfectly put together, from his styled hair to his charming bow tie, but when Chad tries to rile him up, he finds himself on the receiving end of some seriously sexy speak instead. 

Now, these two—who have chemistry down to an art—are going to be spending more time together, and they’ll have to try to avoid trouble…of the dirtiest kind. 

Well, this book took nerdy and dirty to a new level. A new level of fucking amazing, that is. I mean, dorky cock rings? Yes, please. I was done after that—pretty sure this book could have gone in any direction and I'd have faithfully followed along. 

But it didn't just go in any direction. It went straight into my heart (and, err, my panties). Despite running a temperature (surprisingly not book related) and writhing around in bed (again, not book related), I was committed to seeing this one through to the very delightful, swoony end. It was just fun. It took my mind off my woes, and gave me the chance to smile, to shiver and to fall in love with bad-boy Chad and Gamers geek Owen. 

And how could I not? Even when they were snarking it up at each, they were all intense attraction and electric chemistry. They may have been different—and, hey, they say opposites attract, right?—but they were also so alike. They wanted to be loved and noticed and believed in and needed, and what they gave each other (and me) was all the good feels. ALL. OF. THEM. 

This was another knock-it-out-of-the-park home run from Megan Erickson. At this point, I shouldn't be surprised. She has nerdy heroes and magnificent M/M books down to an art form. Just like Owen and Chad’s chemistry. I mentioned that already, right? 
~ Review by Beth

Chad Lake—hot, sexy, independent, stubborn, sarcastic, unfalteringly loyal, loving, talented, scared, self-conscious… in other words, quite an amazingly intricate personality. One word cannot capture all that is Chad Lake.

Owen Harkins—quiet, bookish, nerdy, smart, sexy, rule follower, intriguing, and out of his league. Out of his league with his desire for Chad, even as Chad’s cocky confidence and snarky replies piss him off every time they meet.

Owen is a rule follower—Chad relishes his rule breaking. They say opposites attract and these two couldn’t be more opposite if they tried. But holy hell, they smolder when they’re together and as long as they pull their heads out of their butts long enough to realize what they have with each other is rare and amazing, all will be just fine… 

I was so excited when I heard Megan Erickson was writing Chad’s story in this series, and I loved every minute. I loved Chad’s insecurity hidden by all his cockiness and Owen’s hotness factor camouflaged by his nerdy exterior. I loved catching up with Marley and Austin, too. I’ve loved this series from the start and hate to see it ending, but what a finish! 
~ Review by Missy

This series has taught me so much about my sexual proclivities—first, that I love Cosplay (thank you, Grant and Chloe) and now? Now, I’ve learned that I have a bowtie kink. And if you can walk away from reading this book without a bowtie kink of your own, then you’re a much stronger person than I am. Or maybe you’re just less fun. Let’s go with that. I mean, bowties….yum.

We first met Chad Lake as Marley’s free-spirited brother in Changing His Game. Chad has bounced from job to job, and lover to lover— failing to commit to anything serious on either front. At 27, he’s starting to feel restless in his restlessness and is maybe ready to tie himself to something real. When uber nerdy Owen Hawkins crosses his path, Chad decides to ruffle his feathers a bit. A little taunting, a little teasing—just Chad being Chad. What he doesn’t expect is for buttoned up bow-tie man to respond so aggressively—or to have such a filthy mouth. When Owen drops a scorching hot sexy bomb on Chad, Chad becomes hopelessly intrigued.

Owen has heard stories about his boss’s brother. He’s cocky and irresponsible, and a little wild (maybe a lot wild)—all things that Owen isn’t, nor is he interested in those things. But when Chad’s sexy taunts push him too far, he takes the bait and eventually finds that there might be more to Chad than he’d originally given him credit for and— furthermore—that Chad might just be everything Owen needs.

Sweet baby Jesus in a bucket, this book was hot! Half the heat came from the snarky love/hate banter between Chad and Owen. This is no insta-love story—these two can hardly stand each other at first—but their dislike fuels (and heats) their sexual encounters and y’all? Your panties are on notice.

Sexiness aside, it was so sweet watching these two discover that their feelings ran deeper. There were moments that were so tender and touching; watching them navigate their relationship from near hatred to near love was just…adorable, sometimes frustrating, but ultimately very rewarding. And deliciously nerdy. My God, I love nerds. I love THESE nerds. 

This book was full of sweet, swoony moments (including some from Marley and Austin which…ugh. LOVE), laugh-out-loud banter across all characters (I seriously snorted a couple of times), and those raging hot sexy times I already mentioned (it bears mentioning twice because, whoa). I devoured this book in less than a day, and it left me smiling, happy, and a little lusty (maybe a lot lusty). Megan Erickson is pretty much a sure thing for me—and this was no exception. 
~ Review by Shelly

Megan Erickson worked as a journalist covering real-life dramas before she decided she liked writing her own endings better and switched to fiction. 

She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids and two cats. When she's not tapping away on her laptop, she's probably listening to the characters in her head who won't stop talking.

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