
Thursday 6 December 2018

Release Blitz - Enchanted by You by Hilaria Alexander

Title: Enchanted by You
Author: Hilaria Alexander
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: December 6, 2018


I had no idea that my seven-year marriage would implode during our long awaited and needed vacation to Albuquerque—the city that will change your perspective. Unfortunately, our attempt at fixing everything wrong in our relationship backfired, big time.

My husband left me alone in Albuquerque, with no friends, no family . . . and no idea what my future holds or if I’ll ever find happiness again.

As I begin to move on, I can't help but notice the man who was there for me during my darkest hour.
Esteban Garcia is the dashing hero you want on your side, even though I'm no damsel in distress.
With his dazzling smile, bright green eyes and golden skin, he's a brand of gorgeous I'm not used to, and mysterious enough to drive me crazy with thoughts of him.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out I've somehow been enchanted by him . . . or maybe he was my fate all along.

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"By the way, how are you settling in? Still in love with the apartment?” he teases, arching one eyebrow, his voice loaded with humor.
 I make a face. “What exactly are you hinting at?” I ask, and he lets out a laugh, his eyes bright with amusement. He puts his hands in his pockets, and relaxes, slouching his shoulders a little. “Is this your way of asking me if I’ve experienced any paranormal activity?” The sound of his laughter stirs something in my chest, a happy feeling I haven’t felt in so long. I don’t miss the looks I’m getting from the women he was talking to. Also, I just can’t miss the opportunity to tease him in return.
“Oh, yeah. I haven’t had a chance to tell you. There’s a ghost who visits me every night. I haven't been getting much sleep but all in all…I can’t really complain," I tell him with a knowing look, and his face falls immediately.
He looks pale, and I almost feel sorry I lied.
“You’re joking,” he tells me, jaw taut, a panicked look in his eyes.
“Not so funny now, is it?” I quip and see him slowly regain the color that had gone amiss from his cheeks. His eyes sparkle like emeralds as he recovers, and the corner of his lips tilts into a grin that tells me he’ll make me pay for it.
I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea, if it entails certain things.
He points a finger at me and shakes his head in disbelief.
“That wasn’t funny, Ines.”
“That was very funny and you know it.”
“Alright. You got me. I’m going to stop teasing you now, okay?”
Oh, please don’t.
I shrug. “A little teasing never hurt anybody, am I right?”
He nods slowly, a small smile stretching across his face. His eyes linger on me, as if trying to read me. I felt bold a moment ago, but now that he’s staring at me with such intensity, I feel my cheeks redden and look down.

Author Bio

Hilaria Alexander never thought she'd be a writer one day. Reader? Yes. Book hoarder? You betcha. Then, she started reading romance - that's when she felt the need to write a story. Unfortunately, she didn't listen to her gut, and talked herself out of it A MILLION TIMES. She finally gave up a few years ago, when the urge to write was stronger than self-doubt. She loves funny, sexy romances wrapped with a huge happily-ever-after bow at the end. Her inbox is always open if you want to chat about one of her books.

For upcoming teasers, samples, and all things new-release-related, join her Facebook reading group:

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