
Thursday 15 August 2019

Release Boost - Bang Bang by Belle Brooks

Title: Bang Bang
Author: Belle Brooks
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: August 8, 2019


Bang, bang!
They shot us down.
Bang, bang!
We ran through town.
Bang, bang!
Now here I am …
Bang, bang
… in an undercover police sting.

Miranda Sikes is a twenty-year-old university student who hates venturing into the city, but her grandmother’s watchband isn’t going to repair itself.
The watchband doesn’t get fixed.
She misses the bus home.
She’s stuck in the one place she loathes.
But there’s a silver lining: free wedding cake by Alessandro. It’s only the best cake in the world. Now all Miranda needs is a fiancĂ© to dine with so she can meet the store’s terms.
Miranda’s next decision will change the course of her day, her year, and her life.
And it all happens when she grabs the arm of a man named Haggerty, finds herself shoeless while running down a busy street, and is forced to dive to the ground when she hears …

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We stand across the room from each other. Lane with a huge smirk plastered across his handsome face. I rub my chin, wondering how I can bring down this brick shithouse. I used the only trick I had in my bag of moves. What to do, what to do?
“Are you ready to charge at me again, or are you going to let me show you how to do this properly?”
I match his smirk. “Oh, you’re going down, doll face.”
“Doll face? Really?” His eyebrows hitch.
“It’s what I said, isn’t it?” I flip him the bird, which causes him to laugh once more.
“Okay, then it’s your funeral,” he teases.
“Or yours.”
“If you say so.”
“I do say so.”
“Well, come on then. I’m getting bored waiting.” He fake yawns, patting his hand in front of his lips.
Him and his smart mouth.
I bend my knees then sway from side to side. Go for his throat. That’s what I need to do.
“Are you coming or what?” He winks.
I need to show him I’m in control. I push my shoulders back and bounce on the balls of my feet until I take off at full pace towards him, bending my right arm and leaning in with my elbow.
Lane’s hands take my legs, and he flips me upside down. Mothertrucker. I scramble against his strength, and flick my legs around his neck, crossing my feet over each other behind his head, my head bouncing by his knees.
“Wrong move again,” he says. I feel his breath between my legs.
No shit!
I dangle, like a dead weight, until I cackle and squeeze my thighs as hard as I can around his neck.
Death by thigh strangulation. It could happen.
“Stop!” he shouts.
It’s working. I’m winning … until I’m not.

Author Bio

Belle Brooks is the International bestselling author of eight novels and multiple novellas. She lives out in the country of Queensland with her incredibly tolerant and crazy family. She writes contemporary romance, romantic comedy and contemporary women's fiction ranging from young adult to adult audiences. She also writes crime and psychological thrillers.

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