
Friday 8 May 2020

Cover Reveal - Bona Fide by Hazel Grace

Title: Bona Fide
Series: Illusive Duet #2
Author: Hazel Grace
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense
Cover Design: Black Widow Designs
Release Date: May 19, 2020


Wade Lockwood is a liar. 
A fake. 
A fraud in a suit with a smirk that overwrites everything I ever told myself to steer clear from.  
But he wants me, and in all Wade Lockwood fashion, he doesn’t allow things to not go his way.
He keeps me locked into our agreement, daring me to put myself in one hell of a position to get myself out from under his thumb. 
He wants forgiveness, but that's the last thing he’ll ever get from me. 
I could care less about what sins he’s committed against others or how he got to where he is.
All I’m concerned about is erasing him from my life, taking whatever means necessary to ensure I never have to see him again.
A plan that proves to be easier said than done when my mangled heart—that traitorous thing—still beats for him.

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Author Bio

Hazel Grace is an avid music lover and hardcore Oakland Raiders fan from the mitten state of Michigan. Her writing goals are "what the f*ck" storylines while enjoying her readers private messaging her to cuss her out.

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