
Friday 26 June 2020

Cover Reveal - Thank You, Next Chapter by Cassie Graham

Title: Thank You, Next Chapter
Author: Cassie Graham
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Natalie Beausoleil, Beau & Co.
 Release Date: July 3, 2020


In Paris, he was abandoned as she created a masterpiece.
In New Mexico, she found inspiration all while he couldn’t write a single lyric.
In New York, he was given an ultimatum just as she ignored her agent’s emails.
In Colorado, everything changed.

Zona Carver finds inspiration for her novels in unlikely places, but when she decides to go see Sebastian March in concert, she doesn’t expect to inspire him. On a whim, he asks her to go on tour, but Zona has a complicated past with the music business and returning to her old life leaves her feeling uncertain.

Before she can worry about the consequences of her actions, she’s packing up her entire life and hopping on a bus with Sebastian.

City by city, words are written, and memories are made, but the past has a pesky way of catching up to you.

What happens on the road, doesn’t always stay there, and hopefully they can survive the wild ride.

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“You’re staring,” he playfully scolded.
“Am not.”
“You are,” he said. “I’m just wearing glasses, you goof. It’s not a big deal.”
“It’s not,” I agreed. “But it kind of is, too. I mean, your public persona is just so posh and clean. Shaved face. Crisp white shirts.” Perfectly fitted pants that I thought about when he wasn’t around. He didn’t need to know that. “Putting on glasses makes you look different and rugged and – I don’t know – scholarly.” My faux-British accent came out at the end.
“Those two things don’t exactly go together,” he said with a chuckle. “Who wants to be rugged and scholarly?”
“You do,” I told him. “Trust me. It works. Your glasses are a good addition.”
“It’s like a Clark Kent thing, isn’t it? Mum and Dad always said I looked like him when I wore glasses.”
I took a better look, watching as the headlights on the opposite side of the road lit up his face, even the harsh brightness making him look godlier than any actual human. “I mean, sure. You look like Superman, but it’s . . . I don’t know. It’s you. You’re this unique form of handsome.” I rolled my eyes. “Of course you get better looking as you get older, which, on behalf of all women, is complete bullshit.”
“What do you mean?”
“Men,” I pushed. “They get better looking as they get older. DiCaprio. Clooney. All of them.”
His eyebrows downcast, perturbed and slightly unimpressed.
“It’s the same for you. You’re only getting more handsome. It’s annoying.” I huffed. Yes, like a petulant child because it was impossible to not be completely aggravated by the fact that he couldn’t control just how utterly handsome he was. Dude could wear mud and still look great.
“And you know this because . . . you know what I looked like when I was younger?” he smirked over at me, now far too amused for my liking.
My stomach fell when I realized my slipup. “Okay, yes, I’ve followed your music for a little longer than I previously lead you to believe, don’t get a big head.”
“You followed me when I first got signed to a record label?” His grin nearly took control of his entire face. “That’s cute.”
“Shut up.”
He laughed. “Did you follow me when I used to post on YouTube?”
“Maybe.” I shrugged a shoulder, looking out the window.
“You did not.”
I turned back to see his mouth hung open, his left hand on the steering wheel. “Don’t judge me, March,” I scolded, unable to hide my grin.
I sighed; hopeful he hadn’t seen me nearly cringe. He didn’t need to know he was my most-listened to artist on my music streaming site for the last two years or that the entire reason for me coming to his concert that night we first officially met was because I was a massive fangirl and wanted to catalog everything he did while on stage. And he most definitely didn’t need to know that he was the inspiration for the hero in my new novel.
Un. Important. Facts. That was all this was.
“Oh my God, you followed me on Vine?” He couldn’t believe it. “That’s it. This is my favorite night. It’s official.”
“You’re seeing my nerd, Sebastian.” I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. When I let my freak-nerd flag fly, I became the ultimate goober. My ‘fangirl’ teetered on obsession when it came to studying subjects for my books.
“You fangirl for me,” he said as if it wasn’t a colossal deal, “and you know what?”
“Hmm?” I said as I studied him, the hard lines of his jaw twitching.
The red glow of the light we were sitting at cast a shadow across his face. “I fangirl for you.”
I chewed on my lip, wishing I could catalog this moment in my mind forever. I wouldn’t want to have any other fangirl but him.

Author Bio

A chocolate mistress, Cassie Graham is a born and raised Arizona girl. Her sass knows no bounds and almost always has something kind to say, no matter the situation. She runs a platform of love and strives to bring those attributes out in every book she writes.

She started writing early in her high school career after an English teacher forced her to write in a journal. Four years and thirty-something notebooks full of words later, she found her passion.

If Cassie isn't shoulder-deep in writing a version of a fairytale, you can find her front porch sitting with her husband and daughter, eating all the bread, gossiping with her best friends, visiting Disneyland, supporting strong women, listening to cheesy music and reading great books by amazing people. She loves binge-watching Supernatural, drooling over Dean, Sam and Cas, and going to conventions. She also enjoys spreading love any chance she can. So, if you run into her, give her a hug or a high-five. She guarantees they're magic.

Author of Unable to Resist, Anyone But Him, The Truth of a Liar, Enchanting Wilder, Surviving Wilder, Who Needs Air, The Girl Behind the Red Door and Maybe Ever After.

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