
Wednesday 1 September 2021

Cover Reveal - The Baby and the Blueblood by Tru Taylor

Title: The Baby and the Blueblood
Series: Eastport Bay Billionaires #3
Author: Tru Taylor
Genre: Small Town Romantic Comedy
Cover Design: Emily Cover Design
Release Date: September 21, 2021


She’s risen from the ashes of heartbreak…
As a single mom, I’m not looking for Prince Charming. The last time I fell for a handsome, sophisticated, wealthy guy, he left me at the worst possible time without a look backward or even a word of explanation.

He did leave me with a lovely parting gift though… which arrived nine months later.

With no way to reach him, I picked up the pieces of that shattered glass slipper and moved on. Now I’m running my own business—the Fairy Godmother Cleaning Agency. My hands—and all my hours—are more than full managing my employees (including my two hapless stepsisters) and keeping my four-year-old son happy, healthy, fed, and clothed. It’s not easy doing it all on my own, but I have zero interest in a new relationship.

And who has the time? My high society clients expect their Eastport Bay, Rhode Island mansions to be sparkling—on schedule—come hell, high water, or hurricane.

So when a flu epidemic sweeps through my agency the day before the royal family of Aubernesse is to arrive in Eastport Bay, I put on a uniform and pick up the slack, working furiously to make sure their gorgeous vacation home is immaculate and ready for the elaborate ball they’re planning to throw.

He’s looking for the perfect fit…
I’m back in Eastport Bay for the first time in five years—and not exactly happy to be here. There’s a reason I’ve stayed away so long.

The place lost its magic for me long ago—the night the only girl I’ve ever loved proved beyond a shadow of a doubt she didn’t feel the same.

But this trip is non-negotiable, a matter of duty. I’m planning to fly in, attend the ridiculous ball my mother is so insistent upon, then get back to my life in Europe as quickly as possible.

That is until I arrive at the family estate early and catch the cleaning crew still at work.

And get a look at the woman beneath that coating of dust, ash, and spiderwebs…
The Baby and the Blue Blood is a small-town rom com take on Cinderella, filled with heart, heat, and secret baby/second chance/royal billionaire romance fun!


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On the way down the grand staircase, I pulled cobwebs from my hair and wiped my hands on my uniform, which now that I looked at it, was none too clean. These old mansions tended to get very dusty when not in regular use.
I’d also splashed myself while cleaning the deep bathtub, so the dust and ash on my clothing had become mud in some spots. Oh well, the only man I’d be spending time with tonight was Jim from The Office, and he wasn’t likely to complain. I was looking forward to putting on my coziest pjs and curling up in bed with the remote— after a very long and very hot shower of course.
The sound of the front door opening startled me. The shock multiplied exponentially when I heard a male voice. A very rich, deep, cultured voice, with a distinct accent.
I froze on the stairs, my heart pounding like a trapped rabbit as the owner of that voice thanked someone for driving him and stepped into the entry hall.
He was tall, dark-haired, incredibly handsome. His fit body was encased in a perfectly tailored suit that looked like it had cost more than my two-bedroom house. Though the last time I’d seen him he was wearing nothing but swim trunks and a swipe of zinc oxide on his nose, I recognized the man instantly.
My brain screamed at my legs to turn around and run up the stairs like the mythical character in that fairy tale. But I couldn’t move. I was in shock. I’d never expected to see my first love again anywhere—and certainly not here.
What on earth was he doing, walking into the home of Aubernesse’s ruling family like he owned the place?
Oh. No.
This couldn’t be happening.


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Award-winning romance author Tru Taylor writes romantic comedies to make you swoon, smile, and snort with laughter.

She runs on Coke Zero and dark chocolate, lives for lunches with her girlfriends, and drives to the town beach several times a week to watch the sun set over the water.

She loves LOVE and will attempt to turn any show or movie she’s watching into a romance whether it is one or not. Star Wars? A romance. Lord of the Rings? Clearly a romance. The Expendables? Okay, well not even Tru can redeem that one.

When she’s not writing, Tru enjoys watching movies and reading books with happy endings, spending time with her husband and two kids, and sneaking Hershey’s Kisses from the top shelf of the freezer throughout the day. (Top shelf because… two kids. Enough said.)

Tru is the author of the Eastport Bay small town rom com series and loves living in a small New England town where she’s surrounded every day by the beautiful coastal setting you see brought to life in her books.


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