
Friday 22 October 2021

Cover Reveal - Mafia Boss by Vi Carter

Title: Mafia Boss
Series: Young Irish Rebels #4
Author: Vi Carter
Genre: Dark Irish Mafia Romance
Cover Photo: Wander Aguiar
Model: Nick V.
Release Date: November 18, 2021


My family are Mafia
A truth I still can't accept.
A secret I want no part in, one that could get me killed.
My father placed me in Cillian's hands for protection, or so I'm told.
But his protection feels like prison bars, and I refuse to be his captive.
My Life is unraveling.
My father's words feel like lies.
And the longer I stay hidden with my bodyguard, the more I see the truth.
Cillian is everything I shouldn't want, a threat no one saw coming.
I'm in the hands of my father's enemy, hands that make me ache.
Now I have a choice to make.
A deadly choice.

She's the daughter of Liam O'Reagan: the sheltered Princess of the Irish Mafia.
When her life is put in danger, I make a deal with the devil.
He offers something I want, and I vow to keep his daughter safe.
Safe from the men who would use her to wound her father.
Safe from the secrets she keeps trying to uncover.
Safe from everything--including me.
Until she runs and I have to chase her.
The thrill of the hunt mixed with the scent of her fear and panic is a deadly combination.
I couldn't resist one small taste.
The King of the Irish Mafia might take my head for touching his daughter, but not before I have his.




“I want to speak to my father.” The words hitch, and I haven’t made this demand yet. Maybe it was fear; maybe it was hope. A hope that my father doesn’t know that I am here and fear that he does.
I get a reaction out of Cillian. It’s subtle, but his hard jaw gets a little harder like he’s been carved from granite. He’s all angles and emptiness.
Cold as stone.
He moves through the living room, and when he passes me, something in my chest tightens. It’s been days, and I’ve had enough of his silence.
“I’m speaking to you. You will answer me.” My false bravado has Cillian turning to me. A half smile doesn’t soften his features. No, it hardens them. The smile is fake, controlled, and a clear warning not to proceed any further.
“Will I now?” He tilts his head slightly like he’s given me enough of his attention, and I see in how his shoulders shift that he’s ready to walk away from me again.



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When Vi Carter isn't writing contemporary & dark romance books, that feature the mafia, are filled with suspense, and take you on a fast paced ride, you can find her reading her favorite authors, baking, taking photos or watching Netflix. 

Married with two children, Vi divides her time between motherhood and all the other hats she wears as an Author. 

She has declared herself a coffee & chocolate addict! Do not judge.


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