Wednesday 26 June 2024

Release Blitz - Pack Reject by Merri Bright

Title: Pack Reject
Series: The Splintered Bond #1
Author: Merri Bright
Genre: Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance
Tropes: Reverse Harem/Soulmates
Touch Her and Die
Release Date: June 26, 2024


I’m the pack reject. The prey. 
For years, I've kept myself safe from my small pack's males, hiding in sewers and sleeping in trees to keep their teeth out of my neck. They don’t really want me, just the power and prestige that comes with winning the Hunt. I only want to survive. 
In three days, at the Enforcer Games, I'll have one chance to escape. But when the Games begin, and the most powerful shifters in the world arrive at my packlands and scent me, a new Hunt begins. 
They’re the princes of our world. And they're willing to break the rules to get me.
Pack Reject is the first book in a new reverse harem paranormal wolf shifter series from Amazon Top 50 and Vella bestselling author Merri Bright. Fated mates who are driven to reject each other, powerful enemies in unlikely places, and a fierce heroine who will change the world...if she can survive the Hunt.

This is a slow burn, medium-dark romance with a cliffhanger, fated/rejected mates, possessive MMCs, a morally gray, unhinged MMC, and a badass/traumatized FMC. Please read the content advisories in the Author's Note.



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Releasing September 26



Merri Bright writes stories filled with magic, since those are the books she loves to read. She spends her days dreaming about naughty angels, misunderstood demons, sexy shifters, growly Alpha males, and frequently refuses to limit her heroines to just one love interest. Please join Merri’s Mischief Makers on Facebook where you’ll discover random giveaways, sneak peeks of new novels, book recommendations, and silly/sexy/funny stuff.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Release Blitz - Broken Heart by A.K. Evans

Title: Broken Heart
Series: The Westwoods #2
Author: A.K. Evans
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Found Family/Fake Relationship
Opposites Attract/Second Chance
Release Date: June 25, 2024


When Skye Callahan’s boyfriend tells her he’s been cheating with her best friend, one thing becomes clear. She’s nearly lost it all.

No family, no friends, and now, no boyfriend.

Fortunately, Skye’s got her bookshop, and she’s beginning to think that’s the only thing worth holding onto.

Unfortunately, something comes flying through the front door of her store, leaving her wondering how things could possibly get any worse.

As the head of operations at the Westwood Company, Cooper Westwood didn’t need to add another thing to his plate. But fate had other plans, and now he needs to fix Skye’s door.

He should have done his job and left.

He didn’t.

And when a situation arises, giving him the opportunity to help Skye, Cooper does just that. Unfortunately, after the most recent betrayal, Skye’s heart has been hardened, and she’s not interested in what Cooper has to offer.

But Cooper knows there’s something special about Skye, and he wants to give her everything she’s missing in her life.



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Releasing October 15


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retailers for a limited time


A.K. Evans is a contemporary romance author of over forty published novels. While she enjoys writing a good romantic suspense novel, Andrea’s favorite books to write have been her extreme sports romances. That might have something to do with the fact that she, along with her husband and two sons, can’t get enough of extreme sports. 

Before becoming a writer, Andrea did a brief stint in the insurance and financial services industry and managed her husband’s performance automotive business. That love of extreme sports? She used to drive race cars! 

When Andrea isn’t writing, she can be found homeschooling her two sons, doing yoga, snowboarding, reading, or traveling with her family. She and her husband are currently taking road trips throughout the country to visit all 50 states with their boys.


Monday 24 June 2024

Cover Reveal - In Fine Form by Shannyn Schroeder

Title: In Fine Form
Series: The Doyle Family #2
Author: Shannyn Schroeder
Genre: Steamy Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Brother's Best Friend, Fake Wedding Date
Older Woman/Younger Man, Single Mom
Cover Design: The Killion Group
Release Date: July 2, 2024


He was in fine form until life—and love—threw him for a loop...

Declan Doyle is ready for a change. He’s finally going to put his couch-surfing, job-hopping, responsibility-free days behind him. So, when his best friend’s sister offers room and board in exchange for home repairs, he jumps at the opportunity. Falling for her wasn’t part of his plan. But that’s exactly what he does...

As a divorced single mom with a dilapidated house, Renee Griggs has more responsibility than she can handle. So, even though Declan has always been more charming than reliable, she needs his help. She does not, however, need to fall into bed with him. Or so she keeps telling herself...

One fake wedding date (with only one bed), a ton of chemistry, and a surprisingly intense emotional connection later, Declan’s ready for happily ever after. But can he prove to Renee that he’s a risk worth taking?

There’s only one way to find out...

In Fine Form, book 2 in The Doyle Family series, is a spicy, opposites attract, older woman/younger man, brother’s best friend contemporary romance that can be read as a standalone. Join the Doyles in the Chicago neighborhood full of big, Irish families and happily ever afters.






Shannyn Schroeder is the author of The O’Leary Family series, The O’Malley Family series, and The Doyle Family series, contemporary romances centered around large Irish-American families in Chicago. The Hot & Nerdy series is about nerdy college friends finding love. And her Daring Divorcees series follows a group of middle-aged divorcees getting back into the dating scene.

Under the pen name Sloane Steele, the Counterfeit Capers series released in 2021. This Leverage-inspired heist romance series follows a group of criminals who come together as a team to right some wrongs. They accomplish this by stealing art from criminals worse than them and replacing it with forgeries.

Shannyn grew up in a Northside Chicago neighborhood filled with big Irish families like the ones she writes about. Her characters get drunk, say f*ck, and eat a ton of pizza as they try to navigate life and love. Whether it’s a big family of siblings unable to mind their own business or a group of friends who are thicker than thieves or a crew of criminals learning how to work together as a team, readers can relate to her characters and cheer for them.

When this editor and former English teacher isn’t wrangling her three almost-grown kids or drawing from her own Irish heritage for writing, she watches a ton of TV and loves to bake cookies.

Pre-order Blitz - Buried Truths by Michelle Grey

Title: Buried Truths
Series: Long Shot #4
Author: Michelle Grey
Genre: Paranormal Romantic Mystery
Tropes: He Falls First/Rivals/Sworn Off
Relationships/Forced Proximity/Protector
Release Date: July 2, 2024


Her sister’s death haunts her dreams. Now, her own nightmare is about to begin.

Olivia Kai’s professional life is in shambles, she’s living out of a suitcase, and none of it matters. Her baby sister is dead. And when Annie’s spirit begins to visit Olivia’s dreams, it’s clear her soul isn’t at rest. Riddled with guilt, Olivia makes it her mission to change that.

When her journey takes her to a Civil War era home with secrets of its own, she’s certain she’s on the right path. But the untimely passing of her host leaves her at the mercy of the haughty new owner, whose only goal is to get her off the property.

Cam Tate is focused on forging his future as a documentary film producer and leaving behind the ghosts of his past. When he’s summoned home to Atchison, Kansas to claim an unexpected inheritance, his goal is to minimize the distraction. But after he meets a captivating woman with an incredible tale, he recognizes a glimmer of opportunity. Her story, if true, could catapult his career to new heights.

As layers of deception and danger unfold, Olivia and Cam face challenges that threaten their ambitions and their lives. Can learning to trust each other be the key to discovering the truths they seek?

Buried Truths blends a touch of paranormal with just enough spice in this fast-paced romantic mystery.




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Michelle’s love affair with romance began the summer before high school when she discovered her mom’s Harlequin collection. The feeling of joy from experiencing those happily-ever-afters has stayed with her ever since.

Now she writes stories about strong women with strong passions, sexy swoon-worthy heroes, and the twists of fate that bring them together and try to tear them apart. She hopes to ignite the same spark of joy for her readers that caught fire in her that long ago summer.

When she’s not writing, reading, or voicing a novel, Michelle spends most of her time hanging out with her favorite humans. With marriages and babies and puppies, the boisterous group seems to grow every year, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Release Blitz - The Desire by Karen Deen

Title: The Desire
Author: Karen Deen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Billionaire/Age Gap/Forced Proximity
Friends to Lovers/Workplace Romance
Release Date: June 23, 2024


I control the uncontrollable, it’s my life, it’s what I do.
Until she walks in… untouchable and tempting.
Watching her is like a crackling fire, warm and inviting.
She’ll burn me if I let her… so I need to resist.

Except what if I can’t?

With the potential to shatter my world, I’m walking away.
Until my situation changes and I need her help.
Unfortunately, not in the way I’ve dreamt of.

And here I find myself, making her an offer.
Work for me and live under my roof.
But first, I’m forced to agree to her ridiculous list of demands.
I’m not allowed to flirt, touch, or talk dirty,
and dancing in the dark is definitely out of the question.

What if these rules were made to be broken?



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Karen Deen is an author who loves to write love stories that will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading them. Her stories are filled with spice and witty banter, while being full of emotion, comedy, suspense and twists and turns that you never see coming. All the time steering her characters to their happily ever after. Everything you need in a good love story.

Writing has become her career, which she is lucky to be doing in such a picturesque hometown near Sydney, Australia. Enjoying life over good meals with her childhood sweetheart husband, three adult children and their ever-growing family. Or a sneaky lunch or coffee date with friends that involve laughter until your sides hurt.


Friday 21 June 2024

Release Blitz - Repulse by Lesley Jones

Title: Repulse
Author: Lesley Jones
Genre: Contemporary MFM Romance
Tropes: Insta-lust/Cheating/Forbidden
Billionaire/Secrets/Different Worlds
Release Date: June 21, 2024


A weekend stripped of her inhibitions was all bored housewife, Mila was looking for.

It was never meant to become what it did.

But the two seductive strangers unlocked more than just her base desires with their very first caress.

The forehead kisses, their gentleness, the way they call her ‘Mils’, the care and consideration to her needs, has emotions rising to the surface she’s spent her life hidden behind a very carefully constructed wall.

All leaving her wondering how she’s going to return to her cold, uncaring husband, and her loveless marriage, in a small country town.

When events in her life take yet another unexpected turn and shocking secrets are revealed, Mila’s offered a way out, but no one and nothing is as it seems, leaving her unsure of who she can trust.

Choices have to be made, and she’s no idea which is the right one.



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Lesley Jones was born and raised in Essex, England but moved to Australia in 2006 with her family. Her first book, Saviour, was published in 2013 and she quickly gained a reputation as a writer of gritty, down to earth characters, involved in angsty and emotional plot lines. Carnage, her third novel, made a number of lists, and won a number of awards for ‘Best Ugly Cry’. Her readers love the fact that she can switch her stories from hot and steamy, to snot bubble ugly crying, followed by laugh out loud moments, in the space of a few sentences. She has declared that the very best part of her job is meeting her readers and has travelled the world a number of times over the past few years to do exactly that. Lesley is a big fan of wearing pyjamas at any time of day, but not a fan of wearing a bra, unless absolutely necessary.

When not writing, she has admitted to being a prolific reader, getting through around four or five books a week. She is a fan of trashy reality TV, listening to music, watching her son play football, spicy food and enjoys a glass of wine… or three.

Release Blitz - The Last Leviathan by Anacostia Miller

Title: The Last Leviathan
Series: The Guardians of Farlight Isles #1
Author: Anacostia Miller
Genre: Romantasy
Tropes: Runaway Bride, First Love
Older Man/Younger Woman
Release Date: June 21, 2024


Maeve Cross never felt like a princess. She didn’t belong in a high tower, married off to the highest bidder. She ached for freedom. A longing for the sea that she didn’t understand. After being pushed over the edge, she runs, taking her destiny in her own hands for the first time in her life.

She stows away on a pirate ship because she would rather walk the plank than share her awful husband’s bed.

Captain Leviathan has three goals in life: keep his crew alive, fill their pockets, and protect them from the Cross family of tyrants. He never accounted for Maeve. Not once.

They can’t help themselves by the bonds of fate that tie them together. Not even as they deny each other their attraction.

After all, a tyrant’s daughter and a scorned captain couldn’t possibly work. Could it?

But fate has other plans as the mysteries surrounding Farlight Isles start to unravel like a loose thread. Every new thread leaves Maeve questioning everything her father taught her as it challenges her own identity.

Despite it all, Maeve saw that the only constant…was Captain Leviathan.




Anacostia Miller is a novelist and screenwriter with a background in filmmaking and prop creation. After ten years of writing and two years of ghostwriting, she found her niche in romantasy. She loves exploring different themes like found family and showcasing inclusivity.

World-building and developing intricate histories in her novels are some of her favorite things to do. She also grew up on classics like The Lord of the Rings and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which have inspired her writing. Developing complicated lore and having moments of happiness are vital to the stories. Also, humor plays a big part. As dark as things will get, readers can always hold out for that moment of happiness to make it worth it.

During her days, you can find her trying out a new recipe to figure out how to describe it in her writing, daydreaming, or annoying her husband by telling him exactly how the lighting conveys emotion in every movie they watch together.