Wednesday 2 June 2021

Release Blitz - Back to Us by TC Matson

Title: Back to Us
Series: Cameron Falls #2
Author: TC Matson
Genre: Small Town Romance
Release Date: June 2, 2021


In high school, Dakota Jayne was my everything.
My life. My soul. The air I breathed. She was my light.
One day we were planning the rest of our life.
The next I was picking up the shattered pieces of my broken heart.
She abandoned me without looking back.
Had she glanced in the rearview, she would’ve seen me chasing after her through the dust cloud she stirred up when she hightailed it out of town.
Now, eleven years later, she’s back and creating havoc between my heart and mind.
I hate her. She’s still beautiful.
She left me. I still love her.
I wish she’d go back to wherever the hell she came from so I can get on with my life.

Blake Helms was my life.
We had everything planned out.
That’s until he devastated me and broke my heart.
So, I packed up all the pieces and left for college, leaving everything I had ever known behind me.
I finished college, settled into my career, and tried to forget him.
Then my grandmother passed away, bringing me back to this god-forsaken town.
I despise this place and all of the memories.
I hate him. He’s still gorgeous.
He broke me. I don’t want to still love him.
Leaving the first time was hard but leaving the second time might just kill me.






TC Matson loves to let her character’s voices be heard. With a head full of stories, she puts her keyboard through a beating daily. Matson sets her sights on writing stores relatable and real. And having an understanding that love isn’t always instant and full of flowers—her writing mirrors it. She isn’t afraid to push the envelope and touch bases of uncomfortable situation.
She’s a romance junkie at heart and an avid reader. Add those two together and she will devour books within hours, getting lost in the world the author creates.
Matson resides in the peaceful Piedmont area of NC with her husband and two boys, where staying hopped up on caffeine is the key to her sanity. Chaos is indefinite and a sense of humor is an absolute must.



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