Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Release Day Blitz - Surrendered by LP Lovell

Title: Surrendered
Series: She Who Dares #3
Author: LP Lovell
 Release Date: December 29, 2014


I have spent my entire life fighting. Fighting for survival. Fighting my past. Fighting to keep anyone from getting to close. Until him. Theodore Ellis.

He’s my light in the darkness. The only person who makes me truly feel. My most unlikely of saviours. No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to fight him.

No matter how many blows I rain down on him, he remains, loyal and unmoving. I love him. I need him.

Theo is my vulnerability, the chink in my armour, but he is also my strength. I can’t fight him anymore.

The past only holds as much power as you allow it to. It’s time to tell my story. It’s time to bare my soul, and let Theo in to my dark world. It’s time to take back my power.

Love is a war. She who dares wins.

I’m ready to risk it all. I’m ready to surrender.

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LP, I apologize for telling you I hate you. I don’t, I love you so much more than words can express. I knew you had some mush in there somewhere!

This is the third book in the series and is no less important than the first two.

Lilly and Theo, I can’t even begin to express how much I love these two. They are sweet, frustrating, and hot enough to start a building on fire. 

I won’t get into the story because I feel like if I do, this review will be 4 pages long… I will say, you need to read the conclusion of this story to find out why LP has such a group of crazy people who stalk her on a daily basis. 

Theo doesn’t do anything small, ever. And thank goodness for that! He will do anything to protect Lilly and the fierceness of his love shows throughout the pages.

Lilly, I am not even sure where to start with her. Her world is a shit show. And it all swirls around her like a hurricane, never seeming to end.

With Cassie continuing to cause trouble it just keeps adding fuel to the storm like a cold front. 

And yes, Hugo is up to his old tricks. It’s hard to put into words the antics he gets into. 

READ THIS BOOK! Scratch that, READ THIS SERIES! I know you will be hooked.

Some of my favorite quotes/moments:

I swear, sometimes I have to fuck her into thinking straight.

“Um, you okay?” I ask tentatively. I am tempted to poke him to check he is alive. Death by blow job. Fitting really.

“Seriously? There are other things to do besides drink.
“Yeah, fuck.” He holds his hand out. “But I don’t see any pussy. This is an alcohol free, cock only zone. God, it’s enough to make me want to kill myself.” He whines. Oh this flight is going to be so much fun. 

~ Review by Devlynn


Author Bio

LP Lovell is an Indie Author from Salisbury, England. She's known for her seriously laid back attitude, sick sense of humour and a general lack of brain to mouth filter. Fuelled by copious amounts of Diet Coke, she likes to create feisty female characters who bring men across the pages to their knees. If she’s not writing then LP can be found riding her horses, or walking her ever present writing companion; Tulula the dog.

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Monday, 29 December 2014

Release Day Blitz - Aroused & Desired by Jade Kerrion

Title: Aroused
Author: Jade Kerrion
 Release Date: December 29, 2014


Recently divorced, Dr. Vera Rios is too busy navigating the potholes of single parenthood to look for Mr. Right, but along comes a man who cherishes her, adores her daughter, and helps her find her sexy groove. The only problem: Mr. Perfect is an escort.

Rowan Forrester conceals many other secrets, one of which threatens the happiness he finds with Vera. Can love find a way, or will Vera have to choose between her beloved daughter and the man of her dreams?

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The Life Shocks Romances series just keeps getting better and better! I really enjoyed reading Betrayed and Crushed, but I absolutely loved reading Aroused! It is just an awesome book!

The story flowed from page one, sucked me in, and held my attention the whole time I was reading. It was hard whenever I had to pull myself away because I didn't want to stop reading until I finished. It was just exactly the kind of book I needed right now and I wouldn't change a single thing. 

Aroused is a pretty quick, pretty easy read, but it does still pull on your heartstrings. It was a perfect blend of heartache, humor, heat, and happiness. I loved the characters and Rowan and Vera's relationship. I don't think that the book could be any better, I wholeheartedly loved it! 

Aroused is a standalone and although it is the first book in the series, I would recommend reading the series in the order that the books have been released in because I think it will be more enjoyable. It's told from both Rowan and Vera's point of view and it does have a HEA.
~ Review by Paige

Title: Desired
Author: Jade Kerrion
 Release Date: December 29, 2014


At seventeen, Gabriel Cruz and Valeria Trevino exchanged promise rings and agreed on the grand plan for their life, including marriage, children, and a happily-ever-after. Twenty years later, “The Plan” is on track, and a key milestone—Gabriel’s partnership in a law firm—is within grasp, but Valeria derails their shared lives by demanding a divorce.

Valeria can’t explain her decision, but she is compelled by a desperate need for something more than they had agreed upon. What can they do when the foundation of their grand plan crumbles beneath them?

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All of the books in this series have been very fast, fairly easy reads. While the quick read part holds true for Desired, the easy part does not. It's definitely angsty and it's no sweet romance where the couple, that has been together forever, realize they have grown apart and then they gradually rediscover their love again. It's messy, infuriating, passionate and heart-wrenching, but it is truly all worth it in the end because Gabriel and Valeria are way better for it. They are stronger and happier together as a couple and as individuals. 

Desired really made me feel everything. I felt frustrated and heartbroken, warm and happy, and helpless and hopeful. I was so invested in seeing Valeria and Gabriel work it out because it was so obvious how much they loved each other, but problems from the past and an utter lack of communication just get in the way. So my "desire" (pun not intended) to see them get their HEA made me a little crazy with my emotions. While it was hard to enjoy a good portion of this book, I did love it, especially the ending and Gabriel. I'm also glad that it's not the end of the series and I can't wait to read the next book! 

Desired is a standalone told from both the H/h's point of view and it does have a HEA.
~ Review by Paige


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Author Bio

Jade Kerrion writes award-winning and occasionally best-selling science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary novels anchored on unlikely romances you will root for and happy endings you can believe in. Her favorite romance is the Double Helix love triangle between Galahad—the lab-created perfect human being; Danyael—an alpha empath and Galahad’s physical template; and Zara—the woman who can wreak more havoc with love than most people can with hate

Sign up for Jade’s New Release Mailing List for news of giveaways, contests, and new releases.


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